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Question by Lion of Judah Regular: Why do Pagans believe in many gods, yet not the God of Abraham?
How can pagans believe in all these gods, but then not believe in the God Jesus? Are there not recoreded miracles being done in His name? Do not people give testimonies of Him? So why don’t they believe in the Jesus God?

Best answer:

Answer by CRtwenty
Same reason you don’t believe in their gods.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

22 Responses to Why do Pagans believe in many gods, yet not the God of Abraham?

  • Basement Cat, reincarnated again says:

    i dont know, i for one take random 2000+ yr books as absoulute truth with no evidence for it

  • Bride of Jaysus says:

    Because the Pagan gods are more believable and kind than the god of Abraham, god Jesus, god of gods or whatever it is that you Christians call your make-belief sky entity

  • PawPrintz says:

    Because if people believe in Jesus / God, then they realize that they have to be good people, and love God and love one another. If you choose one of these after market gods, there is no real rules and they don’t have to hold their lives / activities up to anything. They can just wing it.

  • Sebastian P. says:

    Why don’t you believe in the miracles their gods provide?

    Hint: Religion is a bunch of crap

  • You I says:

    Well why don’t you believe in Pagan gods? Or Greek gods? So many things have been done in their names, you know.

  • Sunny D says:

    It seems like you don’t really know what Pagan means.

    Research it yourself or look up the dictionary.

    Pagan Religions existed before Abrahamic religions.

    And also you don’t know what Pagan religions are nor what Pagan means so look it up.

  • Sho 'Nuff, the Shogun of Y!A says:

    because, sir, the lord of this world, satan, has infiltrated their belief system and mindsets, and has thus made those poor souls buy into anything except for the true LORD God and His Son, the Word, Jesus Christ of Nazareth

  • miles says:

    because of less responsibility

  • Virtual Evie says:

    Pagans believe that the creator is represented by aspects of many god archetypes. God, Source, the Creator, Goddess are all one. As are we all.

  • Chicken Little says:

    I don’t believe in Jesus, because I’m a Jew. I personally, think believing in Jesus is a LOT screwier than pagan deities, that at LEAST try to explain the life-forces around us rather than trying to attribute miracles to a man-god who claimed to be God’s offspring – but that’s my point of view. If it’s what you want to believe, cool.

    Let them believe what they believe, let me believe what I believe, and you believe what you believe. That’s the way “tolerance” works.

  • Rod B says:

    You are truly clueless, the appellation Pagan is a catch all phrase used by Christians to describe those who follow religions other than Christianity.
    They have pantheons of gods and demigods each specific to their particular religion.
    Christians have the same pantheons, but do not recognize them in the same way. Jesus, Satan, Arch Angels, angels, demons, etc.

  • Magick Kitty says:

    there is not reason I would believe in a hateful, vengeful, hypocritical, misogynistic god.

    got video of his miracles?

    why don’t you believe in Odin, Zeus, or Jupiter?

  • ulfsark9 JPA says:

    Because we choose not to. Not all pagans believe in EVERY god out there. Pagan is a blanket term.

    I am Asatru, and only honor the Aesir and Vanir. Jesus is neither.
    Same with any other Recon pagan religion. They honor the gods of their culture.

    There are SOME pagans who honor jesus, and then there is Voodon in which Jesus is one of their gods.

    As for your testimonies of him, none of them are secular that give an actual first hand account of jesus. That is another reason why I “deny” his existence. Everything recorded about him directly is in the bible, and those documents are subject. People would easily write things and then give credit of it to a scholar or teacher. Pythagoras did not hypothesis the the Pythagorean theorem. One of his students, and honored his teacher.

  • Brillian† world-beyoundsur says:

    not all pagans believe in many gods…. and some even believe in none (see them as symbols, archetypes).
    some are pantheists…

    i believe you’re starting to catch the point 🙂

    oh,and… jesus is not god; he was merely touched by the holy spirit. – that, if you believe he existed at all.
    (ever heard of mass delusion?? are you even sure they were indeed miracles?)

  • Caligula Caesar says:

    Actually, the pagans did believe in the God of Abraham.

    Jehovah, the WarGod, God of Wrath, the Jealous One, the Insane Madgod of the Bible is none other than the Semitic Storm God known under many names, but essentially the same hot-tempered god. Then the Semitic God El is the original Moon God and is connected with the Arabic Allah which is a contraction of Al-Illah or the God Il. [That’s eye el not eye eye]

    These two Gods Yah and El, Storm God and Moon God corresponding to the Hindu Indra and Chandra, were combined into one God by the Israelite priests. Not unlike Pharoah Amenhotep created a short-lived montheism by uniting Amon and Ra and calling this conglomeration by a new name “Aton”. This was known as the Amarna revolution but the Eyptians hated it and overthrew it and brought back the better gods like Isis and Osiris and Set instead of a moral hypocrite like Aton.

    This Amarna revolution and worship of Aton [Amon-Ra] a newly coined One God is partly responsible for the shift from paganism to henotheism among the Hebrews. Henotheism is the worship of only one god, but not necessarily denying the other gods existence.

    You see this trend in Genesis [Bereshith]. Written by three separate hands over a long period of time you start out with Polytheism, switch to Henotheism and eventually end up with Monotheism.

    I guess the pagans prefered gods and goddesses that were specialists, while the Monotheists simplified things by having a God that is the Jack-of-all-trades.

    This might have not been so bad if the One God was not turned into a jealous maniacal self-righteous murderous douche that had one goal, to stamp out the memory of the other gods and rule the Earth alone.

    The Sumerian tablets, some just recently translated, tells the story of the gods, and one god became a usurper and falsely ascended the throne of the King of the gods and ruled supreme and then drove off the other gods from the Earth and back to their homeworld. This One God is a mortal enemy of the human race and sees mankind as only slaves to be mistreated whenever he sees fit. Opposing this One God is the Serpent Lord Enki [Set, HaShaitan, Satan] who is actually mankind’s best friend and saviour.

    For some reasons unknown of all the gods and goddesses from Shamash the Sun God to Inana or Ishtar the Queen of Heaven mentioned by Jeremiah, they picked the worst douche god of all time.

    Couldn’t have made a crappier choice. Too bad they didn’t know about the Shinto or Sioux pantheon, as they would have been far better off with Amaterasu or Wakan-Tanka.

  • worker4IAM <'>< says:

    Other Gods do not require a person to change !

    The God of Abraham Does !

  • ominousone8 says:

    Why do Christians believe in one God, and not the many Gods of the Pagans?

    How can Christians believe in this one God, but not believe in the many Gods and Buddha? Are there not recorded miracles being done in their names? Do not millions give testimonies of Them? So why don’t they believe in the many Pagan Gods?

    Your question is arrogant and easily reversible. Everything you said about your ONE God can be said and is true about Pagan Gods and Goddesses. So, grow up.

  • Bruce says:

    The God of Abraham actually is God, that is, the omnicient, omnipotent Creator of the Universe. To believe in God is to recognize that there are no other gods competing with him; there is only one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

    Thus, to recognize the only true God requires one to abandon all the false and petty gods and goddesses invented by men.

    Jesus is God revealing himself fully to us by taking on our humanity. The many signs and wonders worked by Jesus are well-established historical facts, verified by many witnesses. This is important evidence for the open-minded seeker. In contrast, no other religious founder showed the power of God in miraculous works.


  • RescuedByTheLamb says:

    Lion of Judah,

    This is a question that has puzzled true believers over the ages. Why would people worship dumb idols that can’t see, speak, or act. When we have a loving God that paid for the sin of the world in His own body on the cross at Calvary.

    One reason is found in II Corinthians 4:4 whose minds the god of this age (Satan) has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

    Here’s a straightforward picture of our adversary … I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because YOUR ADVERSARY THE DEVIL WALKS ABOUT LIKE A ROARING LION, SEEKING WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR,

    Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers and has already devoured them from seeing the truth. It’s not about us … it’s ALL ABOUT CHRIST AND WHAT HE DID FOR US.

  • Greg 2008 JPA says:

    I don’t not believe in him exactly.I don’t know whether he exists or not and finding out isn’t a priority for me.

    I follow the Celtic gods but I believe most if not all the other gods people from around the world believe in could well be real too-I just concentrate on following the gods of my path and the rest is not my concern.

    Having said all that the Bible says that your god is the only one which would make it tricky for me to believe in him since I’m a polytheist.

  • Kirra Blackhart says:

    Because he has never been there when I’ve needed him.

    Typical male really.

  • arcadianstormcrow says:

    Actually, a number of us believe that he exists – we just choose not to follow him. Frankly, for me, the bulk of it is that I don’t believe the stuff his PR department puts out about him.

    Yes, there’s recorded miracles about him, and people’s testimonies. But there’s also recorded miracles and testimonies about other deities too – and I choose the follow the ones that actually have gone out of their way to interact with me.

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