Why Do People Cheat? ? Dealing with Infidelity
Lately, a number of people in my life have discovered that the person they thought was totally devoted to them has been unfaithful. It has caused great pain for them. Each of us looks for love and when we think we have found it, we can often be later disappointed when we learn that our significant other has sought companionship elsewhere.
Recent statistics estimate that approximately one-half of all married men and women search for intimacy outside their marriage. Note that these numbers do not include the many other relationships where marriage is not involved but where there is still an expectation of commitment. In addition, most people who cheat will lie about their infidelity. Therefore, no one really knows the true numbers of people in troubled relationships, being unfaithful to their partners.
Regardless, it is evident there are numerous instances of such behavior. Therefore, it may be beneficial to examine this situation in more detail to determine why it is so prevalent and how to handle it effectively.
Why look elsewhere for companionship?
So why would a married person or someone already in a committed relationship seek physical or emotional companionship with another person? Indeed, if someone were truly happy in their marriage, or significant relationship, it would seem that they would not be hunting for something outside of it. Oftentimes, when questioned afterwards about their roaming activities, people will admit that the person they are currently involved with is not meeting their needs. Therefore, they look elsewhere.
Why is someone not meeting your needs?
Meeting the needs for you—what does this mean? Does this not signify a feeling of