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Question by Starman: Why do so many atheists come to the Religion and Spirituality section in Yahoo Answers?
Questions I ask in the Religion and Spirituality section directed to atheists often get 25 or more responses. Then I got to wondering why atheists are interested in answering questions that are on the topic of religion and spirituality.

Best answer:

Answer by polants
Because it’s fun… I have an interest in religion. I want to explore how they managed to manipulate so many people. Hitler found out how to do it. Google it if you dont believe me

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

26 Responses to Why do so many atheists come to the Religion and Spirituality section in Yahoo Answers?

  • Anna in Wonderland says:

    Idk. I wouldn’t have found this except apparently ur in my contacts. What’s wrong with atheists?

    And how stupid are you all going to feel when you die, and find out there is no god, no heaven, your dead? At least IF there is a “God” we can accept that we were wrong, and not feel like idiots. Just because some ppl a long time ago wrote a book doesn’t mean it was true. Ppl write books today, about mythology, fairies, stuff like that. In a million years are people going to be as stupid as you, and read the remains of the book, and say “There were fairies a million years ago!” ???

    Y’all are idiots.

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