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Question by Man yahoo is biased: Why do some women constantly degrade the White males sexual prowess?
Serious, I know we all have small ones and you only like us for security and emotional support and that you need a black stallion for all you other needs but don’t you see how that turns white guys gay

I mean we get stuck with helping you pick out the dress, a royal pain

Then we have to buy the dress, there goes my paycheck

Then we have to tell you your butt doesn’t look big in the dress, an argument that can’t be won

Then we have to dry-clean the dress after your date with the ebony magic rod is complete

Then, then, we have to go to work and have crapped talked to us because my boss, Mr. big, gave you the “treatment”

Then we have to comfort and tend to your emotional needs after Mr. Bigs leaves you for some other white mans wife…

Don’t you think with all that considered you can stop telling us we suck in bed, I mean you made it pretty clear….?
Gobble…This is a humurous question but the fact you took it serious is a sign that some women really feel this is true, so anywho, ha ha ha, it was a joke and it’s funny as long as you never graduated high school…
You people suck!!! It’s a Joke, dont comfort agree, be angry or dont answer lol,

Some one told me to get a Black GF, i guess she needs dry cleaning done…lol
Lol welcome back to the show Pimp, i expect more from you
No sunset i didnt how selfish of me for thinking only of myself, I cant believe you think this is real and the only compassion you had was to redirect the comment to focus on unfaithful husbands

Yaaa, your a drama queen

Best answer:

Answer by gobblededook
PLEASE stop stereotyping and OVERREACTING!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to Why do some women constantly degrade the White males sexual prowess?

  • swarr2001 says:

    Wow, you really got the shaft! No self-respecting woman would treat her man like that. Trust me, I date white men and I don’t care what the size is, I care how he treats me. I would date a black man for the same reason (again, not the size!) I don’t know any white men who would put up with what you do, so I am guessing that you are really, really bored today and looking for an on-line pen pal for some sweet talk. Good luck honey.

  • jitwitit says:

    AAAWWWW!! you poor baby…shut the h/e/l/l up and go get a black girlfriend. i used to feel bad about the fact that negros always want a white chic, but i realized that it’s time to stop feeling sorry, and just start having an open mind…u will save your feelings that way…and the more i see, the less i believe that white guys have little ones!!!!! so, just get over it

  • sunset says:

    I see your wife/girlfriend left you for a black man.

    It’s not fair to generlaize women as “gold diggers”

    WE all dont want a man hung like a stallion. And my man is hung like a stallion and is a white man.

    You came off very angry in your question. And I am sorry you have had a bad experience. But one womens mistake is not every womens thinking.

    What about the man who cheats on his wife, with another women. huh? think abou t that one.

    You can only be the victim as long as you want to be.
    Your question should be in psychology.

  • Pimp O.G. says:

    anyways 2pts for Pimp O.G.

  • xenswim1 says:

    If you seriously believe that blacks have bigger dicks then you are seriously misinformed. Stop looking at porn sites with grossed out augmentations.

    My daughter is a doctor in South Africa’s Albert Lathuli hospital. She says they are 99% within normal white limits.

    A personal observation, is that blacks males seem to feel themselves a hang of a lot. Whereever you go they seem to lifting or adjusting the package. Well I wonder if your belief that they are big comes from the fact that they are permanently half hard.

    Like the wild Bushman tribe of the Kalahari who have permanent stiffies. No joke this is 100% true.

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