Why Do We Celebrate Valentine?S Day?
The roots of Valentine’s Day can be traced back down to ancient Roman mythology for festivals honoring Gods and Goddesses for Women, Marriage and Fertility. On the top tier, we have Juno, said to be the Queen and mother of all Gods and Goddesses on Mt. Olympus. Her day was held on February 14. In continuity of the celebration for women, marriage and fertility, a festival called Lupercalia was held on the next day.
But this festival was held in the honor of two other related Gods, who were Lupercus who lorded over the pastures and forests and Faunus for agriculture. They were described as very similar to the Greek version that is the half-man half-goat God called Pan. This festival began with sacrifice of a dog (for purification) and a goat (for fertility) and their skins when worn and also cut into strips or thongs and dipped into blood to be slapped on the hands of women who wish for purification and fertility in the coming year.
These strips were called Februa and this many believe is the real origin of name February.
This sacrifice was made near the cave Lupercal, which was the place that the rescued infants and future founders of Rome, the twin brothers Romulus and Remus were cared for by a she-wolf or “lupa”. So actually, Lupercalia means “festival of the wolf” and actually makes the twins as co-celebrators along with the other Gods.
To play up the essence of this seasonal festival and induce matches, the names of girls were placed into a jar and drawn out by chance by a lucky partner. This partnership may have lasted for a month, but some scholars say that they would