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Question by Spankypoo: Why is God a HIM or a MAN?
The only difference between a man and a woman is sexual organs. A woman’s sexual organs are actually more fascinating and magical than male organs in that a woman can take a bit of castoff from a male and create another human. The male, sexually is the smallest part of the magic of life and yet we all hang a penis on God, why? What does God do with his penis? And he most certainly has a big Godly penis lest he NOT be a him, he, father, man.

Best answer:

Answer by Matt
Women are beautiful.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

19 Responses to Why is God a HIM or a MAN?

  • Yahoo User. says:

    Because the guys who wrote all this crap had penises.

  • Saved by the Grease of God says:

    he had a sex change.

  • Curmudgen says:

    God and religion were invented when men controlled society. I would think that if there really was a god he would be of a neutral gender.

  • Sjnoring Vjerilood says:

    Men are so expendable. By extension, so are male deities.

  • MA†† says:

    Because he was created by MAN

  • Heavy Metal Jesus says:

    Actually, there is a far more fundamental difference: genetic structure. Male humans have the sex chormosome pair XY, which women have the pair XX.

    But why humans decided their god should be male I do not know.

  • Shalom Y'all says:

    God is God…. God refers to himself in the masculine…..if you do not think that is correct take it up with him….. if you ever get the chance

  • idoubtit says:

    God is what ever man wants him to be after all man made it !

  • Alex says:

    God is not a man or a woman. God is a being of another dimension and anthropomorphizing God is very foolish. I never use pronouns to refer to God.

  • Adam's Rib says:

    Because the Bible refers to him as male. God is a spirit and spirits have no gender. So God is neither male nor female.

  • Alex says:

    The bible we know today was written in a patriarchal society. Men were dominant. So “GOd” was written as a man. Women were thought to be “insignificant” at that time, they were not important enough to have their gender be “trusted” as a divine being.

  • Boob... It's what's for dinner says:

    If God were a SHE or a WOMAN, people would be asking why isn’t God a man????

  • Apollos says:

    Jesus was a man and spoke of His (Jesus’s) Father in Heaven. The Father might not be male, but He (for lack of a better pronoun) loves us like a father should love his children.

  • BrokenEye on the Pyramid says:

    Because “she” takes 50% longer to write than “he”, and “man” only takes 3/5 as long to write as “woman”, and people are just that lazy.

  • Blake Cox says:

    there is no sex in heaven you dont have sexual organs because there is no reason to reproduce.. same with hell.

    he is not a man

    he is just referred to be once because god created man first as the dominate species and woman was made by rib.

  • 4HIM- Christians love says:

    God is really neither male or female in gender. He is called Father because He begot Jesus by the Holy Spirit who is also God. And Jesus, who is also God, was a male, God’s Son.

    “For unto us A CHILD IS BORN, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.”
    –Isaiah 9:6

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, AND DWELT AMONG US, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
    –John 1:1-4, 14

    “Philip saith unto him, ‘Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.’ Jesus saith unto him, ‘Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me Philip? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FATHER; and how sayest thou then, ‘Shew us the Father?””
    — John 14:8-9

  • Rip says:

    Your looking at the wrong religions. God is a fictional character. He could be aa bunny rabbit if you really wanted him too.

  • some person says:

    1. the difference between men and women is the presence of the y chromosome in the DNA of a person (a person could have no penis and still technically be a dude).
    2. people have portrayed god as a male because the people who built the statues, wrote the books and spread the gospel were mostly men. People have a natural tendency to make “god” in their own image because people tend to have more faith in something that is more like themselves sadly. that’s why in african countries like ethiopia, images of jesus are black while in europe, christ is portrayed as a white caucasian.

  • ??Confusion?? says:

    Probably because men are seen to be stronger. And because those that wrote the stories were in fact male so they probably saw it fitting to make the imaginary ruler they were creating make as well. They did not like the idea of a dominating female.

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