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Question by Carrie Sutherland: Why is it that the vast majority of the young population doesn’t think twice at all about premarital sex?
Why isn’t sex a sacred thing to this generation? Their is a lot of other things but I will just leave the question to this topic.

Best answer:

Answer by Kacie
Cause its fun and not a big deal

Add your own answer in the comments!

20 Responses to Why is it that the vast majority of the young population doesn’t think twice at all about premarital sex?

  • Fire Moose says:

    TV, movies, music.

    This is the slut generation. with cell phones and the internet like they are, human contact is all but gone. So to get a taste of actual human contact kids are boinking each other

  • mitch says:

    because sex is being thrown at them through the media and they think its the norm

  • Peter says:
  • Jadey says:

    beacuse its not a major thing any more its just one of those things us young people do to have fun or feel close to someone , plus marridge dosnt mean much any more , most people only get divriced after a while so its not much point in waitng out , especally if you love someone you want to do it with them and not wait 5 or so years! x

  • Cooper says:

    They never have. In previous generations, it was taboo and wasn’t discussed. Our perverted generation likes to be open about who did what to who and when instead of keeping things private.

  • TaraBear says:

    It’s not only socially acceptable – it’s expected. The real rebels are the virgins now.

  • jolie says:

    because if one is safe and does it correctly its fun and easy going. we dont have the pressure of being with the other person after having sex and frankly i want to make sure my man is good in bed before i marry him. sex isnt a sacred thing unless it has passion in it and most times it doesnt unless you truly love the other person but whats wrong with doing it for the pleasure only, no strings attached.

  • sugarsofi says:

    I have no idea!!!
    I totally agree with you that it is not sacred anymore! I feel so sorry for all those young kids that are having sex and don’t know it is wrong : ( I guess kids just think it is cool to have sex because they feel so *grown up* but really they are being really immature by taking all those risks!

  • Dave says:

    I think a better question is “why should sex be sacred”? Unless you are religious, there isn’t much incentive to wait. Sex is natural, feels great, and is a lot of fun. As long as you play safe, then I don’t see any reason why you would want to wait until marriage. That’s my opinion.

  • Nick D says:

    times change.. there is a new generation thats on the move. Due to more relaxed parenting,phones, and internet, people are also getting to know eachother a lot faster.

  • Kyle says:

    Im 13, I don’t believe in premarital sex. But i do think that it is so openly expressed in television and porn. So nobody sees it as a thing for lovers, they accept it as something fun to do to pass time.

  • masters, ken says:

    emotions basically, and it could also be due to parents and the country u live in plays the biggest part. look at non- christian countries. basically asian ones, the sex rate is way too low than that of western countries, because most of countries prohibit sexual intercourse before marriage, and also, they dont promote it through vulgar movies. in u.s etc, 10000+ pornos are made every year. every other feature movie be it pg or 16 contains atleast 1 frencho. that isnt helping. also when parents have premarital sex, so will the kids, ofcourse. increasing divorces is also an issue

  • Ruins says:

    One word: media.

    Go watch tv for half an hour and see how much premarital sex you see. If you watch MTV at all, you’ll see that pretty much every show geared towards high school kids has at least one pregnant teenager in it. They make it seem like it’s okay to get knocked up while you’re still in high school. Even cool or cute. It’s sick.

  • Cute gurl says:

    1.maybe because they cant control their hormones and 2. they see everyone else doing it and thinks its ok. 3. they could be persuaded into it by peer pressure or sweet talked 4. they havent been taught that their virginity is something precious and sacred and should be preserved for marriage. 5. they dont listen to people that try to give them advice of things they dont understand until they make and learn from their own mistakes.

  • Pink Panther says:

    thats what i always think nice 2 see someone else who thinks the same

  • beth says:

    cuz everyone says they’ve done it so you feel if you don’t. plus the
    And they don’t really think about the long run. fast food anyone…they have little patience.

  • lilybugers says:

    Sex was always around. The only difference now is there tv and radio to broadcast the world wrong doings to make it seem like it has gotten worse when in fact the truth is now coming out.
    There were times when teenagers we say see now as kids and too young for the world, were getting married and having kids.
    Nothing has really changed, just how we think and how society has perceived it

  • anonymous says:

    It depends on how they perceive right and wrong. If they are religious they will just assume that it is wrong. If they are not which is the case with most people they won’t really care. It an impulse. I feel it why can’t I satisfy myself? Bottom line its your choice. I think people do it because it feels good.

  • LoveAtFirstFright says:

    Family planning and contraception are widely available now so anyone can be put on contraceptives and have free sex.
    Religion is taken less strictly too by followers, especially sex before marriage since most people do not see sex as sacred but something fun to do. Young people also do have sex for love too since more and more young people do not ever want to take the commitment of marriage nowadays and would rather just have a good, monogamous relationships.
    Peer pressure makes young people want to have sex. Young people want to act older than their real age and a good way to do that is to have sex. Also if all their friends have had sex they would want to do it since they feel left out because when you first have sex its exciting, its all what you want to talk about.
    Media is a massive one. Sex is ALWAYS fantastic in films and looks amazing but in reality its not always that good… Also advice columns in magazines are not good either. I once saw a 14 year old girl write her boyfriend wants to have sex but she is still unsure, they told her to consider her boyfriends feelings…

  • Mrsz_carter says:

    i am ah teenager and sex isnt a big deal to me because its normal and everybody do it. i just have to be safe and be careful with the person im doing it with.

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