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Question by dream492003: Why is sex considered so sacred and holy when it is simply a feeling like all other feelings?

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Answer by mrjoebuchanan
So you think sex is just a ‘feeling’ eh? Whatever!

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20 Responses to Why is sex considered so sacred and holy when it is simply a feeling like all other feelings?

  • farien3 says:

    Religions like to blow things up out of proportion.

  • What? Me Worry? says:

    Could it possibly be because it is the means of reproduction?

  • Jeancommunicates says:

    Not in the sight of God, it is not! The enjoyment is to come from marital sex and not sex without marriage.

  • QOY © , Trailer Park Queen says:

    it is?
    Umm apparently your not doing things right?
    Seriously when I walk in my flower garden I hear the birds chirping, smell the lovely flowers and see the beautiful colors…it is wonderful…but it doesn’t cause an orgasm.
    Edit: I guess I need to add that this “feeling” as you call it is something that leaves you in a very vulnerable and exposed…no other felling puts yourself in this position.

  • mommanuke says:

    I suspect it’s because orgasm is one of the only things to happen to a person that completely sidesteps your ego. This makes it much more powerful than any other “simple feelings”.

  • Bwian's Virgin Mum -????s says:

    Because it represents the creation of life. Early, uneducated man realized that sex resulted in babies, so we attached a mystical aura around the act and even around our naughty bits that are involved.

    Over time religion has always had an incredible focus on our sex lives, trying to control it and dictate how we participate in sexuality simply because religion makes claims about how life originates and who is controlling it. So if we can ‘create’ life with sex, then people who believe in God’s running the show, must set rules and regulations about our ability to do it.

    Its a way to give God credit for something that we as humans really control.

  • morgan t says:

    because for some sick reason
    the invisible man wants humans to go against our primal instincts
    or suffer hell fire

  • <>< Lojic says:

    Wow, you are way off. Sex isn’t just a feeling.

  • Doctor says:

    It’s not just a feeling, it’s an action – and one that passes on life. So it takes on some of the sacredness of life itself.

    It is also the means God gave for a man and wife to express their affection for each other exclusively. Other ways like hugging and kissing might be used with other people, like your parents, but God decided that there would be one thing that would be kept special between marriage partners.

  • jojo says:

    Birds and the bees. Man and a woman have sex, and they make a baby. God’s sacred gift to us.

  • Logic316 says:

    It depends on the social aspect, whether it’s with somebody you care for or not. The transcendental feelings one experiences during sex are also due to the fact that reproduction is controlled by the most primitive (reptile) area of the human brain, and the analytical faculties in the higher parts of the brain responsible for interpreting time and space literally shut down temporarily, leaving you with just pure conscious experience.

  • Stephanie says:

    I think it is because it is supposed to be the intimate joining together of a man and a woman, but obviously in society today, it’s not so sacred anymore. But to some people, it still is sacred and holy, that’s why some girls wait until marriage…they want to keep it sacred.

  • anna says:

    You don’t get a girl pregnant from “just a feeling.” If that were true, think what the music industry would be responsible for!!

    Sex creates emotional and spiritual bonds between the partners, whether they realise it or not. That’s why casual sex changes the parameters of a friendship.

  • elaine30705 says:

    Because when we have sex we become as one with the other person,,and marriage is a Holy Institute commanded
    by God,,when we have sex with a whore we become a whore
    so that is why only in marriage it become,s Holy
    and proclaims,s love for your mate.

  • LDS~Tenshi~ says:

    There is a time and a place for everything, and yes, a time and a place for acting on feelings. God has told us that the time and place to act upon the “sexual feelings” is within the bonds of marriage between a man and a woman.

    It is about you controlling your feelings, your mind, your body, not allowing these or outside sources or stimuli to control you.

    God wants you to be in control of you, that included your sexual feelings and impulses.

  • Vanessa says:

    Actually it was not just a feeling like going to the bathroom.
    Even though most men view it that way.
    Your question shows that.
    It was a way that two people can bond and make a new life.
    It was to bring forth children in a loving home.
    You are creating a life, a human being, it is sacred and special and it just so happens to feel good also.
    But the feeling is not the important thing about sex, it is for creating life.

  • Pastor Loyd says:

    When was the last time you had the “feeling” of sex and climaxed? It’s not a feeling. The problem is that far too often, FEELINGS lead to it. And our feelings can’t be trusted, because they’re schizophrenic (easily changed).

    Lust, neediness, loneliness, low self-esteem and depression are all FEELINGS some use to engage in sex. Love on the other hand, isn’t a feeling. It is God, Himself (1 John 4:8).

    What most THINK is love, is just lust, attraction or even like, in disguise.

    As for sex, it’s only meant for married, heterosexual couples. Because this was God’s plan, that’s what makes it holy. We’re the ones who’ve tainted it with porn, masturbation, voyeurism, etc. Therefore, sex isn’t bad. It’s the world’s perversion of it that’s bad.

  • fatandsmooth says:

    It is Human nature to name an activity Holy if it results in creation of another Human which is an attribute of God .

  • king0julian0 says:

    Sex is sacred because the Lord gave us this for one thing… Procreation! It is only to be enjoyed between husband and wife and no one else. Feelings of rage and jealousy are normal feelings, but that doesnt mean we need to act upon those feelings.

  • Amy W says:

    Sex sex sex It is a pleasure and high that most get without paying for. Sex is a desire a pleasure. The time sex is regarded as unholy is when it is only done for pleasure. Done right it is making love and in turn making a beloved baby to which we like to fill with love. Sex is a primal urge placed in us to procreate. When the reason is removed (procreation) and sex is done for pleasure only people tend to pervert it. It is the perversion of sex that is bad. Religion has deemed it on man to place control on the animalistic nature of man. So that we do not become like the animals we have grown up with since the dawn of time. We are all sinners we all do what we don’t want at times and do not do what we want at other times. there is only one righteous and he died for us so that we may be saved. Sex is bad, wanting a car you see on the road you covet, you see a guy or a girl and say thats hot you’ve lusted. STOP trying to be right and start being the human the reason God sent his son to save us.

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