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Question by ThatGirl: Why is SEX not sacred anymore?
Back in the “olden days” most people waited for marriage to have sex. It was more passionate and private. Sex was in other words ‘Sacred’….

It is done by 10 year olds and people do it on camera. I am also a person who does not find anything ‘sacred’ about it. It’s part of life, it feels GREAT, and it’s fun.

When did it get this way? Why?

Best answer:

Answer by Capricorn
Because this is America, and we love things that are taboo.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

4 Responses to Why is SEX not sacred anymore?

  • K A H says:

    1960s—-the “Me” generation….sex, drugs and rock and roll crowd. The whole moral tapestry of our nation went down during that time….drugs became prevalent and sex was a RIGHT!!! Free love, free drugs….the flower children who thought their parents were the worst things ever created and ignored everything they were taught because their parents were “square” and “didn’t live in the now”. It can all be traced to then.

  • Steven M says:

    After the ‘sexual revolution”, sex became a common thing. People can’t control their urges. I waited until I was 23 before I first had sex. I couldn’t stop myself, the lady was awesomely pretty and had a beautiful body. I’m glad that you said ‘most people’ waited. My grandfather was born in 1896 out of wedlock. He was adopted by another man whom married his mother when he was 4. The desire for sex has taken over the desire to kiss some one from the 50’s and 60’s when I was young.

  • Jonix says:

    . It all started when man became impatient..
    . When man stopped listening to God..
    . When man stopped caring if his actions were right or wrong..
    . Even in this chatroom an 11 year old girl asks for directions on how to kiss a boy, and adults on this site who are old enough to know whats right give them clues… We support them to upgrade the level of moral decadence already eating through the heart of this generation like a cankerworm.. But surely, everyman must reap what he sows.. May God have mercy on us all….

  • Tristam H says:

    In reality sex was very open in the past just less talked about and has only been considered sacred to the religious community.
    Historically speaking sex was seen as a “Mans” prerogative and considered normal, yet it was not spoken about openly. The advent of the sexual revolution of the 1960’s began to change this perspective to one of mutual pleasure and discourse.
    Until the late 1970’s many cities and larger towns had a “House of Ill Repute” that operated semi-legally.
    Only during the past 20 to 30 years have women begun to have a say about how and when sex takes place, and how good or bad sex is. Prior to the 1960’s most women could not refuse their husbands sexual advances and their was very little in any passion in their sexual life.
    Women that did seek out sexual gratification were considered abnormal and looked down upon. This was the general mind set regarding rape as well, with the women being seen as “asking for it” by their actions or dressing a certain way or being not mentioned at all or reported.
    Many marriages took place because the girl was already or thought to be pregnant. Age of consent is a modern convention that was introduced in the 1950’s and prior to this time frame girls as young as 6 were “married” to an older man although in most cases the marriage was not consummated until the girl reached her first period.

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