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Question by The Cat in the Tin Foil HAt: Why is there so much nudity during Pagan Rites? Are they all just posers?

Best answer:

Answer by Illyria
No one could be a bigger and better poser as you are.

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23 Responses to Why is there so much nudity during Pagan Rites? Are they all just posers?

  • Hestia's_Priestess says:

    Not all Pagans practice ritual nudity….

    Some sects require Tin Foil Hats (of course they must be made by the practitioner for the best effect)

  • Sheena says:

    Why shouldn’t there be? 🙂 Adam and Eve were nude

  • luc p says:

    Nude, Nudity, Naked. All are magical words to me. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!

    Glenda. truly you are an ignorant nob. I would call you a vulva but you would probably not understand what I was talking about. Sitting in your tower with your eyes closed is fine by me, next time……Keep your mouth closed too.

  • † Glenda † says:

    Because most pagans practice sexual sins

  • HUG Brigade says:

    I have never been to any one of these rites
    but if thats what some of them do … so what
    whats up with nudity
    we are way too ashamed of our bodies , and shouldnt be

  • Nemesis says:

    I have visions of a group of well hung naked gnomes stealing chillis now… Thanks very much Cat

  • pirate nun says:

    Ignorance is bliss when you wear a tin foil hat.

  • chris m says:

    If they’re males, they’re definitely swingers.

  • mukwathagicu says:

    What you do you expect from satan?

  • Mary T says:

    I really think pagans are the only ones that got a clue as to what to hold sacred i.e. nature

  • reymark q says:

    in pagan rituals we pagan need to be one with nature and that is one way!! not all pagans are from satan!!!! bless all pagans in their rigthfull paths!!!

  • robin_ofthe_woods says:

    And how many Pagan Rites have you been to?

    Are you sure that tin foil hat isn’t on too tight? ^_^

  • boardgamedork says:

    posers? posers of what? nudists?

    we should all just walk around naked anyhow — global warmings gonna be a biatch anytime now, might as well get used to it.

    Seriously, imagine it *cue dream sequence*
    Naked board meeting at noon.
    Naked lunch-time at tacobell.
    Naked beer-pong anyone?
    Naked wii championships.
    Naked pumpkin patch outings.
    Naked Inaugural Ball and/or Naked State of the Union
    Naked Nap-time…. wait, i do that already.

    Seriously, need i go on? Naked for everyone! Boardgamedork for President 2008! Damn Right.

  • Jewel says:

    Posers? For what, a Life Drawing class?

    In the interest of truth, I’ll answer seriously, at least for the Wiccans (can’t speak for the other pagans.)

    Being naked represents freedom. Freedom from expectations, authority beyond ourselves, or slavery of any type. It says we have nothing to hide, from each other or from the goddess.

    Also in the interest of truth, it should be pointed out that not all members even of denominations that encourage ritual nudity actually practice it. Some people are just not comfortable without their clothes on, and never will be. And that’s fine.

  • LabGrrl [LabNinja] says:

    Gardner was a proponent of Naturalism.

  • Thrudheim says:

    “Because most pagans practice sexual sins”

    Do you really want that can of whoop as* opened?? Do you really want incidents of “good,wholesome god fearing kristjans” violating children, those of the same sex?

    Sounds to me like someone is frustrated, nothing AA batteries cannot help.

  • Raven's Voice says:

    Dang, how come I don’t get invited to those?

    I’ve been a practicing Pagan for over 25 years, and I’ve only ever been at ONE ritual where there was nudity.

    And, dang it, there was nothing sexual about it.


    Guess it’s those “other” Pagans who do that; the ones in your imagination.

  • Blu says:

    Not all Pagans practice in the nude at all.

    But the real question is why is nudity frowned upon so greatly? Why is there so many negative connotations to it?

    Oh and Glenda, What was that? ” Sexual sins”? OH COME ON NOW!!!!

    IS not it a natural thing?
    IS not it a needed thing? ( for pro-creation)
    IS not it designed to be a pleasurable thing?

    It’s only a “sin” because you have been told that it is a bad and sinful thing by your parents and clergy.

    Truth be told: It’s been going on for quite some time now…Like from the beginning of time.

  • kerian negenmann says:

    Do you have children? If so, how many were born with a pair of levi’s on?
    You must have a small weenie or small titties or both! :p

  • ArcadianStormcrow says:

    Nudity might work for some people.

    But I live in NY.

    There’s two seasons here: 1) So cold that going outside nude will mean that certain body parts that are very near-and-dear to me will get frozen off, or 2) So hot and humid that going outside nude will mean those same body parts will be assaulted by mosquitos the size of a large housecat.

    Can’t speak for anybody else, mind you, but I’m gonna stay clothed, thankyouverymuch.

  • Daughter says:

    I’ve had twins. I am going NO WHERE nude tyvm

  • Diminati says:

    I am not a pagan, yet I practice ritual nudity every evening. In fact, I am nude as I type this.

  • moondown says:

    Well, Paganism is our state of natural self and so is nudity.
    I feel so sorry for the Christians who are gifted with a human body and find it disgusting. What a shame. This magnificent flesh, bone and blood machine and to think it is sinful just because it exists! I don’t get that. Can you imagine animals and plants being embarrassed for existing in their skin? How funny would that be? Good thing they’re not hung up about their bodies!
    There’s nothing more innocent feeling than being nude in nature.
    I don’t know of a lot of rituals today that have nudity. Only in some very private covens, ritual pagan gatherings, is nudity an option during meetings, and a few rituals. For us, its no big deal and has far less taboos on it than most religious folks.
    Blessed Be

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