Why Modernists hate scholasticism?
Currently modernist forces okapavshiesya in the Church, under the guise of fighting for the purity of Orthodoxy, are undermining the very foundations of Orthodoxy. To implement its ambitious plans they have to distort and change everything the traditional doctrine, the leading home of the apostles, to break the continuity of theological, dogmatic destroy, destroy samples of faith, adopted at the cathedral, and the spiritual wasteland to create a universal religion, but on the ground blasted the church to build its pantheon .
The modernists declared the Church “sick body” that were infected with the Catholic errors and for this reason require treat it, that is subjected to injections of theosophy, rationalism, and Protestantism, as in recent times confessors of Christianity was subjected to violent treatment of psychotropic drugs, from which a normal person sick. Modernists ridiculed the Orthodox dogmas and do not hesitate even to mock the main soteriological dogma of redemption. These Protestant theologians are trying to represent Catholicism as the antithesis of orthodoxy, and Fragment similarities between the Catholic and Orthodox theology to interpret the influence of Catholicism, which claims to have suffered Eastern Church over the last several centuries.
However, Catholicism is not anti-Christianity, and distorted, deformed, littered with false dogmas and traditions of Christianity. If we consider the Catholic catechism, you can see in it the deviation from the truth, perversion of ecclesiology, painful growths in doctrine and so on, but at the same time to discover that part of the Catholic catechism word for word the same as the Orthodox. Naturally, that Catholicism has retained many of the