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Why Some Spells Work and Why Some Do not

At first I thought to give you a blueprint on how to get your spells to work, but we all know that spiritualism, energy and with all aspects of magick you cannot possibly give a handover that will work for everyone! You don’t have to believe in Magick but many for centuries have and Hollywood certainly does! If you’re reading this article you obviously believe to some degree that magick does work so by no means do not read any further if you are looking on being convinced. I’ve met people from all over and many ask why didn’t their spell work, how much longer will it take or ask even the biggest question DOES MAGICK WORK?! From the surface I will tell you that if your magick did not work, it may have not been done properly, and magick takes as long as it has to lastly magick definitely works!

If your general practitioner when affiliating yourself with ANY magick make sure of the following:

1. Proper Timing

Proper timing the magick correspondences is key. This may start of with the correct day, month, and time that the spell should start and in some cases should end. The Moon phase is one of the keys to potency not to mention the success in Spell casting. Farmers and botanist have been using these timing to a huge degree for centuries.

The most popular correspondence many practitioners use is by using the 4 phases of the Moon. There are four phases of the Moon… New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and the Waning Moon. Each of these phases has a 7 day period for doing your Magical workings. The other popular timing is that of astrological positions of the planets to days of the week. For instance you wouldn’t want to cast a spell during a Mercury Retrograde for a grand

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