when performing the spell. Your mind must be in sync with the type of Spell you are doing. Plus you must believe in your work and not have doubts. How can you expect a spell to work if you don’t believe in them (the practitioner) but you want to try them just to see if they do work. In many cases to hire a practitioner to do this work for you will cost you more than you’d pay to do it for your self as the spell is not for them put for you and the desire is then thus transferred. Last but not least and I must say out loud: Just because your practitioner or you start to study or have had some interest in paganism, vodou, kabalah etc. does NOT make you or the other person a guru at spell casting!!!! Again, it only comes with practice and dedication!
4. Consider the equation of Will Fate & Destiny’s Timing
This is one of the most trickiest of them all! Your “WILL” plays a huge part in any given spell and so does the “WILL” of others so do consider this notion. Now is it your Fate and Destiny to attain what you want? Well…let’s just say that all that WILL Be WILL Be. This is just too deep of a topic to go into one Newsletter but any wise practitioner knows how to deal with this would be dragon! Finally, how long does or should a spell take to work? Just know that the Universes and or spirits time does not adhere to our universal clock work here down on this planet earth. If done properly in time (undefined) your desire will manifest as the energy you have put out to do so…
5. The experience of the Practitioner
Remember that practicing magick is a building process. You won’t gain instant wizardry by going to the nearest bookstore or via the internet etc and casting