a few spells from the book. Dabbling only begets you dabbled results. So start of with simple spells if you’re new to the practice. If you go to a practitioner make sure you interview them, and by all means don’t be afraid to ask for references. If you do decide to use a practitioner make sure your relationship is an open and honest one. One of my biggest peeves is a client that isn’t open about his or her case and denies the obvious.
6. The Energy of the Practitioner
If you want results, potency and success ENERGY is a is KEY! From protecting yourself during a ritual to casting a lustful love spell to boiling all the energy needed into Hex spell – without the energy there is no result – or at least the results you anticipate. Before you do any spell put every non magickal energy you know to get things in order to help as magick is not a band aid or blaster to put onto a problem!
7. Your Knowledge and Belief
You must believe in your magical workings not to mention understand what the hell you’re saying. Don’t give an oath or pray to a god, goddess or spirit that you aren’t even familiar with not to mention are unable to pronounce their name! You must have faith, be patient and you must believe but above all it’s more than helpful to know something about the origin or why the spell should work for you. So many of you want to try some spells first to see if they work and then you’ll decide to believe. That’s not the way to do it! If you do not believe in the Occult and Magick… then I suggest you stay away from it as Magick is a way of life.
8. The proper Spell…
Let’s face it… you must have a good spell as much as you