the newspapers and in the Internet may be free, but unfortunately this virtue is also their weaknesses. The price people pay in getting free horoscopes is the fact that they share the same predictions with everyone else who shares their star sign.
The principle of Barnum Effect operates in this scenario. Quite bluntly, the Barnum Effect states that “there is a sucker born every minute.” In the realm of astrology, this means people can be so gullible as to believe that their horoscope for the day applies to them perfectly, even if virtually anyone can claim that.
Daily horoscopes, in fact, are deliberately prepared by astrologers to make them apply to almost anyone, so that it serves as sneak previews for the day. Of course, the astrologer doesn’t sacrifice the quality of divination.
For more accurate horoscopes though, the astrologer needs to study and calculate alignments of the stars and planets, birth date and location, cusps, aspects, patterns, and relationships with other signs in the Zodiac.
Needless to say, these crucial factors are all absent in the generic horoscopes we get for free in newspapers. Truly predictive horoscopes then are those that are personalised and tailor-fitted to individuals, carefully prepared by a credible astrologer. They may come with a price, but it is a price always worth it.
A sleepwalking dream hunter, Neoli Marcos writes for PsychicGuild.
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