Question by Little Miss WONDERFUL: why would BET ban ciara and not all sexual female artists like beyonce and rihanna?
i dont know if everybody knows this but ciaras new video ‘ride’ has been banned from BET. this is not the first time ciara has been banned, such as last year when ‘love sex magic’ was banned from BET as well. i suppose its very sexual, but arent beyonce and rihanna as well, not to mention trey songz videos, which are pretty much pornography.
i do watch mtv more than bet, but i wouldnt expect censorship from such adult entertainment on their channel
Best answer:
Answer by yourmom.
no one cares about them,to be honest.
watch MTV for a change.
EDIT: she isn’t “as successful as she should be” because no one wants to listen to a dying cat!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
What/Who is BET ?
Never heard of it
I don’t have a clue
There just hating on ciara. Thats why she isnt as successful as she needs to be