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Siris King breaks down why your prays and spells don’t work. He explains that you have to fuse energy with your prayers and or spells. Find out more at: .
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12 Responses to Why Your Prays and Spells Don’t Work Pt1

  • khangare says:

    actually…i love the wardrobe:)))) grassroot society!! LOL Thank you Siris!!!

  • OdeToNecrophilia says:

    you are very very right..especially about the will/power and the food.. and water.. thanks for spreading good messages

  • autojohann says:

    thank you i needed this affirmation. LAtely, My diet is something i should be putting more attention into. What are you thoughts on Ganja? Healthy unhealthy. DO you believe that I can be used propperly or you believe A HEALTHY moderation is no more than a user’s pipe dream?

  • autojohann says:

    thank you i needed to hear this affirmation.

  • SirisKing says:


    Yes ricky dark energies are related to luna energies. I am glad i can help you on your journey.

  • KHENSU30 says:

    all our actiona are affected by the times cycles seasons when we incarnated we did so under the patterns of planets frequencies that work for us and not others that why things happen for others and dont for others cause they found there patterns and actions are guided by the universal times seasons cycles that work for them some not consious cause the information is imprinted in their souls thats the variables…..

  • KHENSU30 says:

    in reply the reason our thoughts spells dont work is because the energies under the moon cycle has deactivated our minds which is the source of mental power ur vibrations are low and health and karma affects it

  • RickyRico73 says:

    Would it be safe to say the dark force is “Lunar Power”? It seemed you were a little hesitant to call it that. I am again reminded of what Master Chang had said about fusing these two energies together. This is great that you are sharing this information with people, it’s taken me years of searching, researching even though I hadn’t really known what I was looking for. I am about to initiate yellow bamboo. I didn’t realize how this would help in manifestation as you’re explaining it now. Thanks!

  • prince2amir says:

    I must say he’s right.

  • IshtarBellydancer says:

    Brillantly said SirisKing!! you really went into the details of some of the things I know and expanded it !! great! and I learnt something new..AmunRa… No wonder this God was so important in Egypt

  • asetrae says:

    This video is on point. Very informative, very explanitory! Hotep

  • hopeforamerika says:

    100% (rigtht+wonderful!) 5*****
    That must be why so many cultures still practice fasting!

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