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Siris King breaks down why your prays and spells don’t work. He gets into why they sometimes don’t come about. He says you have to fuse energy with your prayers or spells. Find out more at: .

XxTheBlackSwanxX Phases of the moon and spellwork • New Moon – This phase is very similar to the Waning Moon and used to rid ones self of things. • Waxing Moon – This phase is for doing Spells that might increase your gain such as money, power or other material things. • Full Moon – This the phase where I do my most important spells. For my beliefs are that my Magic is much more powerful during this phase. Most people like my friends only consider the Full Moon the actual day that it is the fullest and marked on the calendar. They do not know that the Moon has the same influence for a seven day period. Once again I personally prefer to work on the night of the Full Moon, at its fullest. • Waning Moon – This phase is normally for Spells that do away with things or make things go away. Such as making an enemy go away or a bad spirit or slander along with many other things.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

31 Responses to Why Your Prays and Spells Don’t Work Pt2

  • daleksith says:

    @XxTheBlackSwanxX I ain’t lashing out.

  • XxTheBlackSwanxX says:

    @daleksith aww ignorant people are so cute when they lash out!

  • daleksith says:

    i thought spells never worked.

  • TheArcaneRain says:

    I use a little applet called glunarclock which sits on my task bar. Sorry, it’s Linux only. I was looking for a Firefox addon with the same functionality, but wasn’t able to find one. (It looks like there was such an addon at one point but it’s not longer updated! Maybe I’ll make one myself :))

    Keep in mind that just because it’s night time, doesn’t mean the moon is “above the horizon”. The moon can be visible in the day too.

  • XxTheBlackSwanxX says:

    @witchybeauty0514 haha, yeah, im glad you can still enjoy my video’s anyways, there should be an online calendar for your area that will give you the information you need.

  • witchybeauty0514 says:

    I just close my eyes and listin too you so I dont notice your mouth does not add up to your words! LMAO =) I always have trouble figuring out when the full moon and all phases are out, cant see it very well from my house. Maybe I can find a computer program for it!!! Im excited about the next video =)

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