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This is Part Three of my three part introduction to how witchcraft has so far affected my life. Part One: My Personal Journey Part Two: My Personal Tools Part Three: Books Books Books Comment away if you have any questions or anything I may be able to answer!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Wicca and Witchcraft, Part Three

  • JameelaKissan says:

    what do you use the athame for?

  • GeorgeDeadson says:

    The Necronomicon by Ed Simon has names and rituals that I have always had success with. The wicca bible is a good one to set your foundation, it is also a great source of information. And then there is Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig, it makes Kabailstic Magick make sense.

  • GeorgeDeadson says:

    The Necronomicon by Ed Simon has names and rituals that I have always had success with. The wicca bible is a good one to set your foundation, it is also a great source of information. And then there is Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig, it makes Kabailstic Magick make sense.

  • GeorgeDeadson says:

    The Necronomicon by Ed Simon has names and rituals that I have always had success with. The wicca bible is a good one to set your foundation, it is also a great source of information. And then there is Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig, it makes Kabailstic Magick make sense.

  • safehouse123 says:

    If you have a limited book budget : Do searches in the public library. Interlibrary loan is great. Then if you find ones you want to own, check out Ebay and Abebooks. Really helps alot!

  • firephoenixwitch says:

    I think that these videos are amazinq. The sonq in the backqround helped brinq out to not just where you here a person talk ya know? I’m not sayinq you where borinq it was just differen’t and you did more than one thinq within the video. Anways, that helped me(:

  • mysticalcarter says:

    are my first two wicca books and currently my only too. the scott cunningham one is lost ordering another but currently reaning thea sabin. just had the time and curriosity about wicca. very new to it.

  • WitchyWitch1966 says:

    Make sure you pick up Christopher’s “Inner Temple of Witchcraft” meditation CDs to go along with the book. I still use them and he tells me he still uses them himself!

  • herbal036 says:

    thank you the videos i love that song in the background whats the title and the singer name

  • puppy951 says:

    Thank you so much for making these type of video’s! It has helped me with a lot in my Wiccan studys. I hope you make another video soon!

  • miranybeetle says:

    Thank you so much for the books you refer.

    Many blessings.

  • iminfantasyworld says:

    Thanx =]

  • saiyrus says:


  • iminfantasyworld says:

    hey how do u spell athime is that how ? im talking about the sword

  • rgrimmet says:

    I enjoy learning more about how other Wiccans utilize our craft. thanx for sharing your lifepath with us Blessed Be and Merry Meet

  • gahitsmaddy says:

    what are the names of the songs u use in these videos i really like them!

  • saiyrus says:

    haha, just maybe.

  • Sheogorath64 says:

    I’m a hermit who worships hermes, does that make me hermetic?

  • Hurls47 says:

    i get the tree bit but on the same token without it how would we have books????

  • saiyrus says:

    Yep, the witchcraft shop I go to sells all of Penczak’s awesome books! And the meditation CDs for them. 🙂 The Outer Temple is pretty good so far.

  • waterwitch456 says:

    hey, thought you might like to know, the inner temple of witchcraft is just one book in like a 4-5 book series. I came across the temple of high witchcraft while vacationing in florida in a library. and yes, they are amazing! you should get the other ones, ive been on the look out for the other 3.

  • cheerleader1o2o3o says:

    Im thinking about doing the whole wicca thing, but like that other person, idk cause of all the commitment, but the first book i got is “The complete idiots guide to wicca and witchcraft” its pretty good too.

  • dragonbearth says:

    yea what do you tell ppl who cant get book

  • Ravyn24 says:

    Thanks for some of the book mentions I have the ramond buckland book and its is very informative amongst my other craft book.

  • saiyrus says:

    Very interesting comment!

    At least you can read outside! 🙂

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