stir a Magick Cauldron A Witch’s guide to Casting and Conjuring by Silver RavenWolf
This book is for beginners who would like to understand Wicca from the ground up and be able to start working spells as soon as possible. The author starts with information on creating your sacred space and conjuring the mechanics o fQuarters. She helps us cast circles, and continues to lead us into major spell working.
Most impatient teens who get introduced to the Wiccan religion are in a hurry to start working spells. However, it is very important to understand how we clear a space and invite the Powers and Energies necessary to guide our intentions. This book also includes information on the Craft Community including the Witches Anti-Discrimination Lobby and the International Wiccan/Pagan press Alliance.There is also a Wicca 101 test to see if you have understood the essentials of practicing Wicca in your life.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Wicca Books Reviews here:
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