taking place.
Fairies: Spirits of Healing Spell
Fairies are believed to be masters of herbal remedies. When illness occurs, petition the fairies to help you heal.
Gather the following herbs at noon time on a day when the moon is FULL. Choose seven of the following herbs: Althea, eyebright, foxglove, ragweed, Saint John’s Wort, self-heal, speedwell, thyme, toadflax or yarrow.
Arrange the chosen herbs in bunches and hang them in different corners of the house as well as throughout the house. Express your gratitude to the Fairies with small gifts of crystals, berries, milk, etc.
Also make a strong infusion by pouring hot water over the agrimony. When it cools, strain the liquid and set aside. Gently bathe the sick person with a white cotton cloth dipped in this solution.
Barrida Broom Spell
This is a powerful, spiritual spell used by the indigenous people of Mexico. By using brooms with magickal herbs and plants, the sickness is driven away from the patient.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Wiccan Healing Spells here: http://www.askroseariadne.com/editorials/7_wiccan-healing-spells-for-good-health.html
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