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cutting herbs from a garden, inscribing candles, cutting cords, etc. It is to be used for cutting purposes only for the materials and items you need for your rituals and spells.

The Wiccan Boline is commonly the size of an athame. There are larger bolines that are made, but these are normally called Druid Bolines and are common within paganism rituals and ceremonial use. Even though a larger boline can be used in Wicca, it is usually easier to use the smaller versions of the blade.

The Besom(Ritual Broom)

A besom (ritual broom) is used in Wicca for the preparation of magickal
space. The magickal significance of a besom is twofold. First, as a magickal tool directing energy for cleaning, and second in the heritage of ancient Druidic regard for the woods from which a traditional besom is made. In Wicca, the besom is used to clear the negativity and residual energy from space being prepared as sacred. The sweeping of ritual space is not to clear debris in the physical environment.

The besom does not even have to touch the ground at all. The sweeping motion in the air combined with visualization clears the negative energies lingering from the mundane world. The traditional besom has many legends associated with it. It is said to have been used in fertility rituals where it was ridden hobbyhorse style through the crops.

It is also said to have been used in handfasting ceremonies promoting fertility in a newly wed couple. Besoms are commonly made using an ash staff, birch twigs and willow binding. The ash wood serves to protect, the birch is for purifying and the willow is sacred and holy to the Goddess.


The cauldron, like the chalice and bell, is also symbolic

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