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I recently shot a friends wedding video. He’s a practicing Wiccan (Wicca or witchcraft, look it up). At the beginning of the ceremony a magic circle must be cast to protect and bless those conducting the service. I couldn’t resist adding a few extra touches of my own to the casting portion. This video is posted with the full knowledge and permission of the happy couple. Incidentally, I don’t normally do wedding videos but I made an exception in this case.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

This video tells how, when and why to use Protective shields and the differnces between a shield and a ritual circle is.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

48 Responses to Wiccan Wedding (handfasting)

  • pendragonmachale says:

    Anointing yourself with the Third Eye Oil would be a big help in this wouldn’t it?

  • Shifter13 says:

    This is so helpful. Thank you so much!
    The idea that the circle creates a vacuum is new to me. I’ve never come across it put that way before. I’ve only used it with the intent to concentrate my energies.

    Is it possible to put up protective shields on a person who is very far away?

  • Metactyl says:

    what is the sense of creating a shield, flora? x]

  • ladysnowstrixx says:

    you are so great and give wonderful information have you ever thought about writing a book and going into more in depth about things like the shields and what to say and how to say it . you have a lot of very good ideas.

  • xazoulini1 says:

    too bad that you have to visualize instead of see your own psyball:/ it could be nicer…

  • newmoonfreak000 says:

    what do you say when you put a sheild up??

  • JesusPaid4You says:

    Jesus Christ is the Messiah! Everyone is guilty of sin and the penalty is hell. The great news is that God Loves us, and so He sent His Son Jesus Christ, the only one who died for our sins and arose again, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

  • Effervescenceify says:

    great vid
    what state do u live in?
    that bird in the background is very unique. I’ve never heard that bird before. So, since I am very into zoology, i thought i would ask.

  • thomast77 says:

    daaaang you are a true lady that shines brilliantly and you don’t even to seek to profit off people to spread this lovely light. you sincerely make my eyes watery with joy. thanks for using your gifts as gifts for humanity. much love.

  • witchman21 says:

    I always put shields around my family and home and family’s home. I usually envision the light and energy sort of shooting out of my hands, sort of movie effect style envisions and then spreading out and around. With a lot of spells, I visualize colored smoke/mist coming out of my hands or mouth as I exhale. Then, the mist kinda forms or flows to what I want it to do. With shields, I layer a bunch of different colored shields and then put a rainbow on top. Blessed be, and great video.

  • KyuubiRain17 says:

    i normally dont post comments but i cant help my self so any way i just wanted to say that right before you said what type of sheild color you prefer i started thinking of a rainbow shield and then you said you prefer rainbow shields and i busted up laughing so yeah….. thats all ……K THXS BYE!

  • AziraphaleMutt says:

    My step mom was pregnant a year ago, but the baby had problems and she had a misscarriage. Well, now she is pregnant and it is supposed to be born on the 30th of May. But, she is having problems with the baby. Is there any kind of protection shield or something I can do to help the baby?

  • DemetersFire says:

    you can always sense it but only people with a strong minds eye will be able to see them. personally i have quite a strong minds eye so i can see them but i keep my minds eye almost permanently closed so generally i can’t see them. most people after a while of practice will be able to see shields. it’s also easier to see a shield you know is there because it makes you less likely to dismiss the signs that there is a shield there.

  • DemetersFire says:

    i usualy make the shield out of fire to burn up bad energies. it also makes it feel more potent than just a bubble that bounces bad energies off and on to something else. i would hate bad intent directed at me to bounce of me and attack someone totally unrelated

  • Species710 says:

    Thank you for this tutorial. I was crying when I was watching it as I would have loved to have known about protective shields earlier in my life. 3 teens killed my familiar, for the entertainment of it. He’s all I could think of as I watched this video. It’s late and I’m tired but I will start putting up protective shields around all the people, cats, and things I need to starting tomorrow. Thanks again.
    PS I keep thinking you were so busy in May then I realized that’s your join date. duh lol

  • Leahbiz says:

    My bubbles, or shields, are always white light criss-crossing.

  • Barbiequeen89 says:

    I also forgot to say that you are right about shields in the hospital my youngest sister had cancer when she was a baby and I always put the bubble around her to make sure no mistake was ever made or that she never really got more sick then she was.

  • Barbiequeen89 says:

    From the time that I was little I always used to put what I called a bubble around my house and around my sisters.

  • CharmingPixieFlora says:

    Check out my video about Concecrating items and opening sacred space. That explains as well.

  • CharmingPixieFlora says:

    Yes! Some people can see it, some can sense it, others can do both.

  • twilightfan514 says:

    After you create the shield, can you actually see it? Or just sense it?

  • Miekushun says:

    Wait ok I think I got it. So I can visualize myself forming my protective shield into a ball. And I use the third eye for the visualization. That is correct right? But How do I use my crown chakra? Can I hold the chakra stone used for the crown chakra and hold it while visualizing?

  • Miekushun says:

    How do you make a Protective Shield?

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