I recently shot a friends wedding video. He’s a practicing Wiccan (Wicca or witchcraft, look it up). At the beginning of the ceremony a magic circle must be cast to protect and bless those conducting the service. I couldn’t resist adding a few extra touches of my own to the casting portion. This video is posted with the full knowledge and permission of the happy couple. Incidentally, I don’t normally do wedding videos but I made an exception in this case.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
This video tells how, when and why to use Protective shields and the differnces between a shield and a ritual circle is.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The special effects ruined it for me.
alexander the great?
@Mamechiho I agree wholeheartedly. We have enough Charmed, Bewitched, Sabrina, etc, etc that we don’t need to air another reason for some people to not take our religion seriously (those of us who know our religion well and have studied for years do take this seriously; some kid pretending to be graduating from Hogwarts would not care).
blessed be with your handfasting!ive always wanted to see one.i want to attend one too/ )0(
Beautiful Handfasting! I was just watching ‘Say yes to the dress,’ and saw a Wiccan bride. I’ve been a Wiccan myself for years, and so that specific episode grabbed my attention. My younger sister wanted to see a Wiccan marriage ceremony, so I used this video to show her what a truly magick wedding looks like! Congrats to the happy couple, and blessed be!
this was beautifuly down
Nice! XD
Nice lighnting effect.
I am also planning a handfasting, My bf is very interested and is happy to have a handfasting over a traditional christian wedding, I do find myself worrying about my family
Oh, and we gnostics do have our infamous blood ceremony. When a man gets together with a woman or a man, woman with woman, yes even close-kin marriage we have. The further details of our ceremony is of course highly classified.
Interesting to see a portion of a handfasting (for probably the first time). I suppose the FX do justice to the intentions of the actions involved (ie. drawing the circle). It just takes understanding on the part of those who don’t, and sometimes won’t. Cheers
have 2 weedings?
or u could have kinda a pagan elope?
and then have a reception ur family wouldnt mind/???
i want that kind of wedding i,m a wiccan and my bfs a pagen i want flowers every place and in my hair with just candles no lights just candle light
my partner and i are trying to arrange our handfasting for 2010…but we are finding that our family dont really get it
lol i suppose i should just get a sense of humour
kudos dude
looked like is was a nice ceremony but i find the special effects made the vid cheesey…but each to there own
It’s a magic sword. The priestess called out “Mighty Mother, strike Alexander’s blade with light”. The sword must be full of light-magic from the Goddess.
how does the wand shine like that?
what reigion are you, you may not respect wicca, but i still respect your religion and hope you will learn tolarance and a better understanding of our beliefs.
beautiful ceremony!
ha ha to funny.
I liked the video..and the special affects were nice as well
Handfasting are great ceremonies they really are so beautiful!
Hahaha, oh wow.
Ok so say if i placed a shield around a car. how often would you have to recharge/ reinforce the shield.
do u have a vid about opening ur third eye? if u dont can u PLEASE make one about it cause i am really interested in it.