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Wiccaning of Brandon David Michaels at the Temple of Astral Light.

The Asatru wedding ceremony of Robert Livingston and Tracy Cabanyog October 7 2006. We wrote the ceremony ourselves using bits and pieces of other Asatru weddings posted on the internet. We kept some tradition hand fasting Pagan type bits. The wedding was held at Tou Velle State Park in Oregon, and the ceremony was performed by Aylah Hallel, and William MacGregor of Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries ( Hope you enjoy!

50 Responses to Wiccaning Ritual

  • musicfreak687 says:

    @sweetgothicrevenge HAHAHA!!! Your funny!!! “evil” hahaha tell me is this so called evil just a conformative opinion? Look at the video and tell me wats evil cause all i see is a positive religion practicing its faith while being discriminated against. LISTEN!! KEEP AN OPEN MIND AND AN OPEN HEART AND YOULL LIVE A MAGICKAL LIFE. MAGICKAL MEANING HAPPY AND FULLFILLED LIFE. if you do that youll become a better person. don’t discriminate. live happy and fullfilled . ~*~ Blessed Be ~*~

  • sweetgothicrevenge says:

    Evil!!! God have mercy on them, how sinful.

  • witchkitty041310 says:

    Oh will you just shut UP!? Nobody cares to hear what you have to say!!

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @anemosniktor Has any one share with you that Jesus is returning for His Own. You will know that this has happen when Millions of people (this includes All Children) Just Disappear.

  • proverbs1722 says:

    2 Corinthians 11:14-16
    14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

  • anemosniktor says:

    First: congratulations to Brandon and to their parents for the wiccaning and thanks for the wonderful video. Second: please, cause I’m not english, can you write me exaclty the benediction of the body “Blessed be your feet…” and the final benediction: “In your life there will be many roads…” cause the first is longer than the one I know (like the five kiss: feet, knees, womb (sex), breast and lips) and I don’t understood completely the second! Thank you very much and Be Blessed.

  • anemosniktor says:

    First: congratulations to Brandon and to their parents for the wiccaning and thanks for the wonderful video. Second: please, cause I’m not english, can you write me exaclty the benediction of the body “Blessed be your feet…” and the final benediction: “In your life there will be many roads…” cause the first is longer than the one I know (like the five kiss: feet, knees, womb (sex), breast and lips) and I don’t understood completely the second! Thank you very much and Be Blessed.

  • witchkitty041310 says:

    If you please, I would like to know why you are even bothering to comment on this video if you’re so sure that Wicca is untrue or whatever. I would appreciate it if you didn’t plauge this childs wiccaning with your unkind comments.
    )O( Blessed Be )O(

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @WHISPER6604 The “fun” that you are having is only harming you.
    Galatians 6:8
    The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

  • WHISPER6604 says:

    @proverbs1722 why would you blocked me? way smarter than you?…..and good looking tambien,{sorry to my fellow wiccans,this is my way for dealing with mrs.proverbs} am always having fun with her………i mean no harm to her nor anybody……PEACE AND LIGHT

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @zapper363 Has anyone shared with you that Jesus is returning for His own. You will know that has happened when Millions of people just disappear, that includes all the children of the world no matter what the parents believe or don’t believe.

  • alanamorgana says:

    @proverbs1722 Respect the opinions of those who do not share their beliefs. Stop writing to me and respect the religions and beliefs of others.

  • proverbs1722 says:

    Psalm 34:13-15

    13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.

    14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

    15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry;

  • alanamorgana says:

    @proverbs1722 Read more. The Bible is copy from other books. Christianity stole many things from paganism. Live in peace and let others have their religion and their faith in peace! That the Great Goddess gives you more wisdom.

  • proverbs1722 says:

    Psalm 10:4
    In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.

  • alanamorgana says:

    Blessed be!

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @zapper363 I wonder what people who are on this path are going to do when Jesus returns and takes their children with Him back to Heaven.

  • zapper363 says:

    It’s so beautiful, they don’t bless him to be a good little peon of a certain way of life, be it profession or religion, they bless him to be an individual. Take THAT proverbs 1722.

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @WHISPER6604 I looked back at my comments and saw no hate in them, only the Truth. I find the reason the lost don’t like God’s Word is because it makes them look at themselves and see themselves as God sees them and they don’t like what they see.

  • WHISPER6604 says:

    @proverbs1722 so in your little mind satan and me are the same? you need to get married asap and stop your harrasing,i saw your comments of hate in “wiccan lullaby”……trust me,wiccans are good people or witches if you want.But some day,some wiccan won`t have the patience,and don`t get your book,use that lil` braine {if there`s one} to reply,peace and light………..

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @WHISPER6604 It’s the same with you as it is with satan:
    Proverbs 16:18
    Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

  • WHISPER6604 says:

    @proverbs1722 maybe in your religions not in the world,you would never see that things among wiccans,we are proud to be wiccans )0( we respect our goddess,peace and light in your life mrs. proverbs

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @WHISPER6604 Well doesn’t 2 Timothy sound like what is going on in the world today. People out just for what they want and themselves?

  • WHISPER6604 says:

    @proverbs1722 what kind of answer is that?………….sorry to say this …….but,are you retard?

  • proverbs1722 says:

    @WHISPER6604 Yes I have seen those news lately and it sounds like this:2 Timothy 3:2-4
    2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—

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