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Question by Praire Crone: Wiccans or Pagans who use rituals involving circles etc… do you use some kind of music during your ritual?
Do you play your music on a CD player or do you play some type of instrument or just sing. What songs do you use or do you just improvise?

Best answer:

Answer by Mikaela
Yeah i use music.

get a load of this;_ylt=AlpSZo24iL593u8bQ4rBxbHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090716165207AAHQZ1U

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Wiccans or Pagans who use rituals involving circles etc… do you use some kind of music during your ritual?

  • Jewel says:

    Often I’ll pop in a CD or pick a playlist from my computer (which is outside the circle.) Or for solitary rituals, I might use my MP3 player to pump it directly into my brain.

    I don’t play an instrument, but I do sing, and sometimes in group rituals we will sing or chant together–sometimes as a planned thing, sometimes spontaneously.

  • Teawitch says:

    depends. I use music or nature sounds or none at all. I use either CDs or a flute.

  • Angel of Darkness says:

    Yes, I use music. What I choose depends on the ritual.

  • Prospero Reincarnate says:

    I play ambient music often when I do personal rituals.

  • blumoon479 says:

    I usually kind of hum, and find a vibration that matches with the place I’m in. It usually calms me and puts me in a good state of mind.

  • philosophyangel says:

    No I/we don’t use music althought my HP otherwise always has his stereo jacked up with stuff like E S Posthumus music. I’ve sometimes considered using music for spell work but when I do that that I’m usually making music (using gongs) as part of the spell work.

    In todays’ world where you can’t go anywhere without being bombarded with images and sound, there is something to be said about getting through a rite or ritual without the need for extra (as in extra not otherworldly) sensory effects.

  • ToriMia the Witch says:

    I have always had music in my private rituals, mostly because I usually have music playing throughout the day when I am home. We usually work chants into our rituals, depending on what we are doing, it helps to raise energies. Sometimes, when we are doing established chants, we try to find ways to make them different. My one friend in a folk singer and we play off each other. Our music ranges from folk, to chants, to ambient, to Tori Amos-my personal fav!!! Again, it’s about what kind of work we are doing or what kind of mood we want to establish.
    Check out the works of Gwydion Pedderwin, Lisa Thiel, Gypsy, Spiral Rhythms, Emerald Rose, Todd Alan & friends, Avalon Rising, Revelry, Ceredwen, Inccubus-Succubus, Dead can Dance, Elaine Silver, Enigma, Joanne Shenandoah, Kellianna, Kenny Kline, Krishna Das, Lia Fail, Laura Powers, Lotus, Sona, Victoria Parks, Ulali, Lisa Theriot,
    And the list keeps going,,,
    Oh! and don’t forget the drumming! Drumming always works! and it is soooo much fun…

  • Honey says:

    Sometimes I use music to help me concentrate or create a mood, but not always. As far as what is played, this really depends on my purpose.

    I hope you find the answer you seek and peace in your heart.
    Blessed Be

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