and find that you have done that person’s legwork for them!
When it comes to sending small gifts to somebody to let them know that you care about them, you should also be careful to send the right sentiment. Chocolates will definitely let somebody know that you have romantic feelings for them, but to say that that has been done before is an understatement. It might be wise to go with gifts that are conventional yet to show a little more thought than a box of chocolates. You can almost never go wrong with jewellery. If you are concerned that you do not know what to choose, it may be wise to bring somebody shopping with you so that you can get a second opinion. If it is a young lady but you wish to impress it would be wise to bring somebody of a similar age so that you have less chance of picking something inappropriate.
Keep in mind that the first impression is important. If things work out with this person, they will tell many people about the first gifts they ever received from you. They will also probably collect any greeting cards that you send to them. They will be something that is remembered for a long time, so get it right the first time.
Louisa Mann is a fan and is a practitioner of random acts of kindness. For more information on how you can change your part of the world with an inspirational Wish Card, go to
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