Wisdom of the Tarot: Disasters!
In a life of ups and downs trouble and strife is inevitable. What do you do when disaster strikes? Do you put your head in the sand and pretend it’s not happening? Do you turn to drink or drugs to get you through? Do you take it out on others or yourself?
We don’t get many or any lessons at school or from our parents about dealing with the bad things. Our parents don’t want to think of us ever having trouble and our schools don’t think it’s their business. So what happens when trouble comes?
The Tower is the tarot card of real trouble. Something has happened which means life will never be the same. The card itself shows two people flung from the top of a tower by a bolt of lightning. It illustrates that when the lightning hits you will never be the same. There are obvious disadvantages to this but there are also advantages. When the Tower card is influencing you, you can see clearly. All your illusions are blown away. You see the truth, no matter how bad that might be.
The Page of Swords gives you an idea of what to do with this new knowledge: communicate! At such times of stress often we try to be strong and silent. Often it would benefit us more if we weren’t! Talking about your feelings enables you to work through things quicker and it also allows those who love us to help, as they want to.
The Hanged Man illustrates a great concept in tarot: the benefit of another perspective. Putting yourself in another person’s shoes, even if they are your enemy, can enhance your own knowledge immeasurably. Why would someone treat you badly? Imagine things from their perspective and find out.
Communication and adopting another perspective
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