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chance to rebuild, bigger and better. Sometimes you have to tear it down in order to start again.

The Wheel of Fortune completes our triptych of cards. Sometimes really bad people have very good luck. Really good people sometimes have very bad luck. They’re on the Wheel, as we all are. The Wheel turns and life gets wonderful, we are incredibly lucky and we get everything we want. It turns again and everything goes wrong, nothing seems to work out the way we want it to. It turns once more and luck and joy flows into our lives again. This is the truth of life. This is one of the most important lessons in life: everything changes, nothing stays the same.

If you are lonely, you won’t be forever. Try to use this time to grow and learn. If you are going through a crisis, it won’t last. Try to learn what you can and get through it. If you are happy with everything going your way, don’t become complacent. Try to cherish this upward turn of the wheel.

The Wheel of Fortune will continue to turn and we can fight it or we can work with it. Try to learn from everything that happens to you because then you are growing in wisdom no matter what life throws at you. Wisdom is the insulation from the harsher turns of the Wheel. Wisdom gives us the ability to appreciate love. Wisdom enables us the help others when the Wheel turns downwards for them.

‘To everything – (turn, turn, turn)

There is a season –( turn, turn, turn)

And a time for every purpose under heaven’ (The Byrds)

The alternative is to not be on the Wheel at all.

‘Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering – and it’s all over much too soon.’

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