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practitioners and not followers because they do not “follow” anyone. This way of life believes that each one of us is capable of communing and communicating with the Powerful energies that created life.

Magick is used in many ways. Some witches can use their minds to control the energies. Others use tools such as the Athame, the Besom, the Wand, Chalice, etc. Wicca is a very personal religion and communing with the Deities may be performed anywhere since the energies exist everywhere.

Most celebrations are held outdoors if possible because the Wicca practitioners believe that nature can cleanse and purify our surroundings easily. Also, communing with the deities mean communing with nature, so the best place for this meeting would be where most of the energies exist.

Newcomers to this way of life will first need to learn the art of meditation so that they can strengthen their concentration and focus regardless of whatever distractions exist in the environment. By practicing Magickal rituals religiously and increasing their self-confidence, these rituals help to firm up the foundation of their practice.

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There are several types of Magick. The ritual that uses different colors and shapes of candles is called Candle Magick. Other forms of Magick use herbs and spices, plants and twigs, Gem stones and rocks, and various other natural items for rituals.

Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Wiccan Magick here:

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