Get Adobe Flash player Visit my *NEW* Blog! The Cunning Pellar Witch Crafter (photos, videos, news feed & witchcraft items) Skyclad …is used to refer to ritual nudity in Wicca and Wicca-based Neopaganism. Many Wiccan groups, or covens, perform some or all of their rituals skyclad. Not all Pagans practices skyclad, and ritual nudity is not exclusive to traditional Wicca.

15 Responses to Witchcraft : Wiccan Pagan Skyclad

  • GaleZMe says:

    Silly – totally. Witchcraft went out with the Dark Ages. It is entirely POWERLESS, and anyone who wants to debate this can let me know and we’ll get to it.
    With all their spells / spirit familiars / Gods / hexes / curses, etc., witches couldn’t save themselves or their belief system from destruction. Why? Because its silly mystical nonsense, and organized human ingenuity will ALWAYS triumph over mystical superstitious nonsense as in the case of witchcraft’s demise.
    Silly game playing – period.

  • Jenfucius says:

    IMO No one should be ashame of their nude body. In doing so it gives power to those who will use it against you. Interogators & torturers cannot strip you naked and shame & humiliate you if you dont give them the power to.


    skyclad,why not?i can see myself running from rednecks and their trucks in my robe.running away nude with my goober flopping into is also a choice…but i have tried workings are at equal i go with the robe

  • Sickofu100 says:

    please, youtube, save from seeing nipples and vaginas because I have the mind of a right wing five year old… ha ha ha. Yeah, right.

  • bojnin says:

    Wow, when it’s not pictures of actual people, it looks really impressive and beautiful

  • Pagyptsian says:

    I absolutely agree with you on that one! =]

  • Pagyptsian says:

    This video is really well made! Great pictures and really imformative!
    I don’t practice skyclad but that isn’t to say I wouldn’t ever.

  • coracleman says:

    no, nudity doesn’t necessarily make rituals more powerful. Neither does wearing fabulous robes! But in both cases, intent can be signalled by either wearing robes or being nude. And intent is what it’s all about! Great vid BTW.

  • Celticlord83 says:


  • Wytchewoode says:

    Nuditz doesn§t necessarily make rituals more powerful! Do you really think a layer or two of cloth is enough to stop universal energy? Do me a favour! Some people simply prefer to work skyclad because it is more natural for them. You can practice powerful magic magic and raise immense forces whatever you wear.

  • graemefield01 says:

    Excellent video, very informative. Where did you get the old black and white pictures of witches going up chimney’s? 5/5

  • TheOwlBerlin says:

    I really love your videos, they are well made and very informative.

  • sebutopia says:

    nudity get rituals more powerful

  • scorchmyscorp101 says:

    i just wont do dat in front of anybody

  • ShoryoTombo says:

    Performing rituals without clothing is a wonderful experience. Most of my rituals is conducted skyclad.

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