Women Do Not Want To Have Sex
Women not having sex is mandated by societies ~western or otherwise~ which impose pressure on women to not have sex unless strict conditions exist prior. In addition, the mastermind behind nature decided for women to have a low level of the mighty substance that inescapably fuels sex drive: Testosterone. It was created by the same mastermind who decided that ~without significant quantities of that substance~ muscles, beards, stamina, and sex drive do not develop. Should women have given sex drive as the one men were empowered with, an overpopulation of planet earth ~likely to be catastrophic~ would have taken place a few millenniums ago.
There are, then, reasons why women do not want to have sex.
So, if women do not want to have sex because of deeply-embedded social impositions and physiological conditions ~and many consider sex an aggressive and degrading act~ why do women engage in a relationship with men who are likely to act on what their bodies want them to ?
A women seeks a relationship with a man not because she wants to have sex. It is because she wants to be loved and cared for. Should a woman feel that she is truthfully, sincerely, and genuinely loved by a man who is caring and expresses his love in countless ways ~but not doing so expecting sex in retribution~ that woman may accept sex at a later time with the man who venerates his love for her.
Psychology considers women to have a “short-term memory.” It is not related to inabilities to recall events. It is related to a woman necessitating to be reassured repeatedly by a Blue Prince that he remains in love with her and that he cares in more ways than one. She needs all of it often, in myriad of
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