different ways, and she always wants him to not expect sex in retribution for his paying tribute to feelings that distinguishes and elevates her.
At some other time ~after his many sincere and untainted celebrations of love~ she may reward him with a gift. It is the sacred gift of an act sealing a faultless and perfect bond between a man and a woman who did not want to have sex for the sake of it. She only accepted sex after great many times he unveiled with uncontaminated intents the love that glorifies, honors, and dignifies a woman.
It is then rightful to conceive that a woman is the one provided by nature’s mastermind with wisdom to know that she needs to be loved and cared for. It takes a truly fine and real man to express his feelings in untarnished ways not ignoring that she was given wisdom to know what she needs.
“…let us not love with words or in tongue, but with actions and in truth.” — 1 John 3:18
* George Josserme
* Editor-in-Chief
* Fountain of Wisdom
This man edited and published an article that reveals
women do not want to have sex.
This link takes you to a story of showing love that he
authored and titled Celebration of Love.
Either article may be used as web site content.
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