Wonderful, Magickal, Mustika-pearls Part 2
Some of the characteristics and virtues of mustika-pearls are intensely curious and interesting. Below we present just a few of these :
The pearl from the dugong (called “Ikan-duyung” in Indonesian) for instance, floats in salt water, but sinks in fresh water; this and the crystallized pearl from its tear are good for love-spells. The otter-pearl attracts lots of fishes during fishing trips; the fossilized egg of a crocodile increases one’s sexual prowess; the dew-pearl beautifies one’s aura–the smaller sizes of these pearls when moisten with one’s finger, coheres to it as it is dragged across a smooth surface; the golden carp and bamboo (symbols of wealth, business advantage, and longevity in Chinese lore) -pearls attracts lots of luck and increases prosperity; the centipede pearl helps one to choose the right numbers during gambling; the owl-pearl helps to improve one’s psychic senses; the Galih Kelor seed-pearl wards-off negative energies in the form of black magick and psychic attack; the boar-pearl makes one invulnerable to sharp weapons. Almost all of the pearls have unusual powers and virtues. If one finds an object embedded in a pearl it usually has extra virtues. Generally speaking, the higher nature, power, abilities, virtues of animals/plants are to be found in the pearls. Mustika-pearls, unlike ordinary gem stones and crystals, possesses the combined spiritual blueprints, matrixes and forces of the spirit-animal-mineral or the spirit-plant-mineral kingdoms.
Most mustika-pearl enthusiasts are amazed at the size and diversity of the pearls. Take for instance the centipede pearl, these sometimes measures 1 cm or more in diameter. The size itself could cause some skeptism as we