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normally think of centipedes as small creatures; yet, in the jungles of Sumatra they may grow to be as long as a meter in length! The quality and type of centipede pearls differ depending on which region they come from. A centipede may also produce four sorts of pearls–one on its head, this is called the “crown.” Another may be found in its stomach; smaller types are to be found among its whiskers, and the most valuable and scarce of them all, the pearl to be found in its mouth–this one is said to glow in the dark and gives one the power of etheric vision.

Most mustika-pearls are of a crystalline nature, and are closely related to the etheric world, perhaps much more than any of the common substances that we normally come across in our daily lives. Each pearl carries the vibrational essence of the Spirit Intelligence in charge of the evolution of the consciousness and form of the animal/plant species allocated to it. Unlike consuming animal meat and substances, close and regular contact with animal and plant pearls have a healing effect upon our body and psyche and raises our energy-frequency, aiding us to transit into a higher consciousness-level, awakening our spiritual senses. Most owners of magickal pearls only look to their physical effect–the true value of a mustika lies in what it can do for one’s spiritual evolution.

In alchemy, the practitioner would seek ways to transmute base metals into gold and to acquire the philosopher’s stone, and the stone of various substances. Nature, the great alchemist, produces animal and plant stones in her laboratory under the appropriate conditions known at present only to Her; we are blessed that these stones are available for healing some of the psychological and

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