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The study of metaphysics has been a hobby of mine for many years. My interest began when I had what are best described as psychic experiences. Being a rational and reasonable person, I figured I must have popped my cookies. These things don’t happen to sane people, I told myself. Well, guess what! They sure do.

The simplest way to explain what happens is that I see pictures in my head. Except for one time, it’s nothing really extreme. I can find lost things in my home, like keys, missing socks or jewelry. It’s not that I look for them. I see where they are in my mind, go look in the place I see, and there is the missing item. The most notable exception is the time I located a missing life insurance policy for a friend. Her husband had just passed away, and her family could not find the policy. I found it in the way I just described.

There is also a problem I have with small electrical appliances. I keep a supply of light bulbs on hand, because I frequently blow them out. I have also burned out several hair dryers and a vacuum cleaner. I have learned not to let such things throw me, although I admit, sometimes it gets a tad bizarre. I forgot to mention, I have also intuited passwords on occasion, which really freaked people out.

In order to understand the weird phenomena that seemed to follow me around, I studied. I read everything from Edgar Cayce, to Jane Roberts, to Alice Baily. Included in the many areas I studied were reincarnation, near-death experiences, channeling and mediumship. Certainly, I used personal discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff, classic metaphysics from. well, let’s just say, things that didn’t resonate with me.

My studies took an unusual

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