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will want to be conscious of the following:

Hunter – Malacrass will drop traps which are clearly visible to the raid. Your tank must be aware of the traps when they appear and immediately move Malacrass to a new position. Freeze traps will freeze multiple targets.

Mage – He will randomly cast Fireballs and Frostbolts. They can be interrupted.

Paladin – Consecreate will hit for 2,500. Tank and melee DPS should move out of range as quick as possible. You will need to dispel Avenging Wrath immediately should it be used. Interrupt Holy Light whenever he attempts to cast it.

Priest – Dispel the Mind Controls or CC them. Interrupt any heals he attempts to cast.

Rogue – You will need to increase healing due to the attack speed increase from Slice and Dice. Blind cannot be avoided and is mostly a non-issue.

Shaman – Kill any Fire Nova Totems ASAP. Interrupt his Chain Lightning and Healing Wave whenever he attempts to cast either spell.

Druid – Melee DPS should stop attacking because of Thorns. Dispel Lifebloom.

Warlock – Decurse Curse of Doom. Rain of Fire will tick for 3,000+ points of damage so players will need to move away from its area of effect as soon as they see it.

Warrior – Healers need to be ready to spam heals if the tank gets hit with Mortal Strike. Casters should watch out for Spell Reflect. Melee DPS will need to be cautious of Whirlwind as it hits for 7,500+ points of damage.

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