Question by Adam: World of warcraft r shamans good?
are shamans fun to play with?
Best answer:
Answer by nuclearbroods
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Question by Adam: World of warcraft r shamans good?
are shamans fun to play with?
Best answer:
Answer by nuclearbroods
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They are arguably the hardest class to both play and master. In PvE Elemental + Enhancemet DPS is average.
In PvP you will get owned to hell if you are enhancement. As Resto or Elemental you can form a wizard cleave set up and face roll to 2200 ratings.
Shamans have numerous abilities and a unique totem flooring’s that give you buffs. Shamans are definitely the most unique class in the game and very fun to play. However struggles against other classes at end game will make you think about choosing another class. Who knows actually it is you that may play the class and learn to love or hate it.
You can heal or do damage in both physical and sell casting. Have very unique system and abilities. Very fun, no doubt, but not very strong in terms of Top DPS or PvP.