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Question by Monty H: World of Warcraft: Where do i get the best level 80 epic gear for a elemental shaman?
Hi, I’m looking for the places to go to get my level 80 epic gear for my elemental Shaman.

Best answer:

Answer by Steve
If your going at this endeavor alone, PvP is the best way to start gearing up. Takes about 2 weeks of good games to get full epic gear. From there you should get interested in raiding with your guild or other guilds that you are familiar with. It is never idea to be horribly under geared when entering a raid. gearing up is a process of progression.

Start with your current gear ->Get PvP gear -> Raid -> Phat Lootz!

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4 Responses to World of Warcraft: Where do i get the best level 80 epic gear for a elemental shaman?

  • Andrew Pensak says:

    To start out i would do various heroics, some have a chance of dropping good elemental gear, but they also drop the Emblems of Heroism which can be used to buy good epics from various vendors. You can buy t7 gloves and chest, a trinket, necklace, and a few other thing for Heroism marks.

    After you get a few epics i suggest doing Naxx, VoA, OS.
    I wouldnt try EoE till your gear is pretty good because its the more difficult of the Northrends raids.

  • Sea Bear says:

    Don’t bother with pvp gear, most of the stuff in heroics will get you better damage anyways. Start with heroics.
    Heroic Cot drops mail elemental shaman pants also a haste/spellpower ring that is great.
    Heroic Old Kingdom drops epic elemental shaman hands
    Heroic Violet hold drops a nice spell hit trinket for casters
    Heroic Utgarde Keep drops a nice ring similar to the one in Heroic CoT
    Other than that, I know there is some decent BoE stuff on the auction house. Also, run Vault and OS every chance that you get. Once your gear is a little decent, just try to get into a 10 Man Naxx. Gearing up an elemental shaman is easy sauce. Good luck!

  • Tony F says:

    First off, I would suggest getting the adon called Atlasloot Enhanced. Atlas is an in-game map for dungeons, and atlasloot will show you what each boss drops in a particular dungeon/raid.
    Do an armor or weapon search on You can specify what gear you want, and see where it comes from.

    Generally, though, and this is assuming you’re starting as a fresh 80, you’ll want to start with heroic 5-mans. That will get you a good start, and allow you to start collecting emblems of heroism, which can be traded for nice gear at your faction’s area in Dalaran.
    You’ll want to get into the Vaults of Archavon every week, as he is a pretty basic and easy boss to kill, and he’ll drop a random class’s Tier 7 (on normal/10-man) or Tier 7.5 (on Heroic/25-man) in addition to random classes’ PvP gear.
    If you’re in a raiding guild, your next stop is Naxxramas and Sartharian (no drakes to start).
    After that, your guild would move on to Malygos and Sartharian with drakes.

    Sorry I couldn’t be more help, but I’m not exactly sure what kind of gear you have now, and what kind of guild you are in (if any).

    You may also try reading a bit on WoWwiki, WoWhead, or ElitistJerks about your class and gear, and you can use to check out your damage output and to see what gear is best for you.

  • Brother G The Mormon says:

    Go to champions hall in sw for alliance
    or hall of legends in orgimmar if you’re horde

    Just farm your pvp gear at bg’s and even wintergrasp

    Dungeons you have to fight with other ppl for the drops.

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