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Question by Simplygreat: Would Spiritual Healing help a suicidal devastation?
I’ve gone to counselling before, it wasn’t that much help but better than nothing. I don’t know exactly what spiritual healing would be, i’m not religious but spiritual but i’ve never been spiritually healed. Maybe that’s what i need as my spirit feels like it’s been gang-raped by ruthless men who never cared for me. I feel absolutely devastated rite now over just how unfortunate i have been in my love life, been giving and giving and giving all my love and cared for them sooo much that I lost myself in the maze and almost went crazy with love for them. Now I have nothing, they’ve all used and abused me. Would spiritual healing help me get over all this pain? I honestly feel suicidal and don’t know where to turn. I need some serious healing coz inside it feels like there’s a huge wound bleeding and not stopping. I don’t know why i keep choosing such men. There’s something wrong with me. I feel like i never even healed from my relationships as long as 3 yrs ago. All the wounds are open.

Best answer:

Answer by shuckaluckalou
You need to get over all the bad shit and people that you have had to deal with in the past. Lie down outside on the next warm day and close your eyes and picture the asshole boyfriends that have upset or hurt you one by one. Then in your mind picture your self thanking them for any thing good that they did for you and tell them that you forgive them for any thing bad or negative that they did. Then in your mind picture them starting to float away from you and pull out your big knife and cut the silvery cords that connect him to you and say bye bye. Pretty simple, There is no problem that cant be solved darling.Alawys remember that Life is like a car, you can drive it or you can ride around in it.

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One Response to Would Spiritual Healing help a suicidal devastation?

  • Lou says:

    Get some space from all these people that drag you down. Raise the standard from what you expect from people don’t give until thay give to you and only give as much as they give you.
    Put yourself first.

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