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Question by Anthony: Would you be kind enough to share your pagan music?
I love drums and mystical and stuff like that.
Please no metal or heavy rock.

Blessed Be
email: candles_n_flames @ yah

Best answer:

Answer by JND
Hahaha, oh yeah. I have a ton of stuff on itunes listed under pagan.

What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to Would you be kind enough to share your pagan music?

  • polaris112189 says:

    sure, as long as you don’t term it “pagan”. that’s just freaky, dude.

    trip-hop is pretty close to spiritual. try listening to dido. she’s pretty cool. and a lot of indie bands are pretty easy on the ears.

  • The angels have the phone box. says:

    Have you heard Hedningarna? They know their musical traditions (several are musicologists), are excellent musicians and their band name is Swedish for ‘Heathens.’

    ‘Hedningarna’ and ‘Tra’ are their best albums, IMO. But check out anything with Bjorn Tollin. He brings some amazing sinuous rhythms in with the tambour. His work with Virvla (‘Boot’) and Harv’s first album is great too.

    Loreena McKennitt has that ‘mystical’ thing going, about medium on the fluffy scale.

    A lot of pagans in the area where I used to live like Garmarna. The musicians prefer Hedningarna, though. Both are on NorthSide in the U.S. ( I think). Lots of good stuff on that label.

  • JewishGirl says:

    there is a song called “skellig” by loreena mckennitt. its beautiful in a sad way.

  • aussie_witch_50 says:

    I assume you are in the USA, so my first choice may not be easy to get a hold of, perhaps…
    Wendy Rule, anything by this Witch is worth listening to, Wendy actually opens a circle as she begins to preform…
    She is an Aussie from Melbourne…

    Medwyn Goodall has many albums out if you like Celtic music…Moon Goddess and Clan (A Celtic Journey) are among my many favourites…

    Every Witch has Enya…

    I have a lot of Didgeridoo music, as well as drumming and of course Australian Celtic music, which I know is only available down here….
    Blessed Be… )O(

  • Lupa says:

    The Dragon Ritual Drummers = made of win.

    Also, I will mention that if you want to actually show your respect for these artists that you legitimately buy their music instead of stealing it through piracy.

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