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Wow Druid Spells – Barkskin

Upon reaching level 44 Druida are awarded the spell Barkskin and very often this spell gets ignored. Its not very flashy or sexy, many WoW Druids really are not aware of what it does and its quickly forgotten. The thing is this spell can be one of the best defensive spells you have when you know what it is and what it can do for you!

Barkskin is an instant cast spell, its last for 12 seconds with a 60 second cool down and can only be self cast. This spell can be used in any Druid form there is (that means caster or humanoid, bear, Dire bear, car, travel, aquatic, flight, epic flight, Tree of Life, Moonkin all the forms!) and the effects will be the same no matter the form you happen to be in at the time. The mana cost is minimal and the benefits are huge.

Make it a habit to keep Barkskin close at hand when running in combat as it will help you make it through the fight! There are many benefits to this spell that some may not realize or have simply forgotten. The first and most obvious effect is there is a damage reduction of 20% for the duration of the spell. Did you get that? For 12 seconds all the damage that is thrown at you is reduced by 20%. This is huge! This is a serious buff that comes in handy when things start to get hairy.

The second benefit of this spell is as helpful, if not more so, as the damage reduction. When Barksin is in effect the Druids spell casting will not be interrupted when he receives damage. This is a huge help when casting those longer and more mana intensive spells in our books or for spells that require the Druid to channel for the duration. A good

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