has been launched as of August 17,2009, you can read guides that haven’t even been put on a video, and even contribute your own guides! Check it out! WoW Hints here, I always noticed that there was guides for tanking, and DPSing instances but there are not very many guides to healing instances. So in this first weekly episode I go into the basics of healing Obsidian Sanctum. It’s very easy. I do play a restoration druid (resto) so it is quite easy, but other than that, it’s not a huge step from a shaman, priest, or paladin healer.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
good clip. have some of you guys saw the wow cheats pack at warcraftbotsXinfo (replace X with .) ? it’s incredible, i just downloaded the pack. its got absolutely every thing inside it, gold guides, bots, hacks, glitches and even the newest arena glitch. i probably shouldnt reveal to folks about it but at the very least this offers you all a fair chance to download it before i own all of you
i think hes nice
@snooter28 no he is not
Clicker lol :DI like your birds
Click :S
nice bird ambience
vuhdo is much better than healbot
i’m a druid healer my self and i just love the addon healbot continued and it alsow show’s you youre hot’s
^^ my first reaction:
“AMG Wheres your healbot/grid?!O.O”
thats what i was thinking
he is using the herbalism healing effect
sarthaion and heigan the unclean is my favorurite raid bosses atm
Hello, may i ask how you have flowers under you when youre standing still :)?
lol you gotta Zoo in ur house??
Dear WoWHints
Loved it!
If you subscribe to : savewithfun (not me)
message me after and I will subscribe you!
P.S. He is starting something awesome, I am just spreading the word!
Also, if you rate + comment his new vid on M.J, I will also rate, favorite, and comment on your vids~
cool, ive been doing some healing on the PTR too and so far it seems easier than dps or tanking but maybe thats just because i have been using a druid healer