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Greetings. In this video-voice narated guide i shall teach you how to heal as a restoration shaman. This video covers the basic things like: *Talents: *Glyphs *What spells do restoration shamans use *When to use which spells and how to perform in a combat situation *Which Earth,Water,Fire,Wind totems to use This video is part of a series and will have a few follow-ups that will discuss things like which addons to get for a resto shaman and which macro’s to get. Please take note that making these takes time and i can’t throw ’em out like crazy. Please stay subscribed in the meantime. If this video gets bad received i ofc won’t be making a followup. This resto shaman healing guide is made for patch 3.3.2 -Stay tuned by subscribing to my channel πŸ˜‰
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to WoW Restorarion Shaman healing guide commentary, The basics [Part 1]

  • tara202 says:

    Was interesting to watch. I love hearing different pov on the class. I love shaman and screw everyone being critical on him. Don’t like his pov then don’t use it. Thanks for your vid and keep up the work.

  • wTFcoletive says:

    Omfg you suck

  • RestoNordrassil says:

    @ugthankikebab sounds a bit dutch tbh

  • kyleizthushiz says:

    do i hear music?

  • Advenger22 says:

    Like he said, his gear wasn’t the best in this video, so Glyph of water mastery and elemental weapons are a good choice (since he doesn’t using healing wave). Glyph of Chain heal, imo, is more of a raiding glyph.

  • julikzhulik says:

    what gems are you using?

  • Disturb420 says:

    water mastery glyph is terrible get lesser heal

  • Disturb420 says:

    @lochloast whats wrong with elemental weapons

  • MEproductions41 says:

    @mrmusicmixup hey dude fuck off! he cant help his voice because of an accent. I was able to understand and so were other people. Back off

  • The2Euro says:

    He’s dutch but thats good especialy for the music πŸ™‚

  • mrmusicmixup says:

    @ShamaticWow no.. you should really talk more clearly

  • undeadcoax says:

    @Robob1884 Cuz being a dick really helps out in a constructive conversation.

  • Toompan says:


  • flyforfun12 says:

    XD your so dutch

  • ShamaticWow says:

    Your sound is suposed to be on.

  • Robob1884 says:

    i cant undrstand a thing your saying

  • ugthankikebab says:

    your accent is fucking awesome πŸ™‚ finnish?

  • GVankov says:

    i prefer focusing on lesser healing, especially with Glyph of Lesser Healing Wave, it heals almost as much as healing wave and in combination with Tidal Waves(talent) its perfect(short cast, a lot of healing, high crit chance)

  • ShamaticWow says:


    It works alot different ;P
    Its that 800 + 29% on forth “jump” of your spell power (like 750 sp ish).
    + the abilltie to crit makes the 4th jump 2.2k
    decent πŸ˜‰ also it does get affected by riptides +25% healing rule (fill that one in yourself)

    In other words: “it’s sex”

  • anazorix says:

    glyph of chain heal kinda sucks, cause the 4th jump only heals for like 800 hp lolz

  • lochloast says:

    @RobbySockz Because I choose to take Healing Way instead. Valithria Dreamwalker likes big heals that only Healing Wave can offer, running ICC with 2 heals its nice to have.

  • RobbySockz says:

    @lochloast Why the fuck wouldn’t you get that?

  • ShamaticWow says:

    As i said: “This is a personal choice”

  • lochloast says:

    soon as i saw 3 points in elemental weapons i stopped watching

  • ShamaticWow says:

    Yeah it’s only recommanded for people who just started being a resto.
    Swap it with either glyph of riptide or mana tide.

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