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It is not permissible to ask Allah by the virtue of anyone, not even by the virtue of the Prophets or Messengers or Awliyaa or righteous people. No one can compel Allah to do anything. It is not permissible to ask Him in any way except by His Names and Attributes, as Allah says: And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him (Quran, 7:180) And yet we see the Shia saying things like Naad-e-Ali which means call on Ali! We should only call on Allah. Ali will tell these deviant Shia to stop calling him as he has no power, but rather to call Allah for help. In the same manner will Prophet Isa repudiate the Christians for calling on him as opposed to Allah. With regard to saying to the occupant of a grave, O So and so, help me, this is obviously Shirk, because it is a supplication to someone other than Allah. Asking by the virtue of someone is a means to Shirk, and calling upon a created being is Shirk in worship. How can a Muslim seek assistance from any other than Allah Almighty? Despite the fact that every Muslim must repeat the following words from the Quran in his prayer (salat) at least seventeen times a day: You alone do we worship, and Your aid alone we seek. (Quran, 1:5) We see the Shia saying things like Ya Ali and Ya Mehdi when they are distressed and need help. They will say Ya Ali Madad! These people cry out these names in times of distress when they wish for help. In true Islam, however, we should only say Ya Allah! Calling out anyone elses

WARNING: if you are a fundy Christian and you watch this video I strongly caution you that while my video is done as a parody, that you may be deeply offended. If you are I appologyse but it was your own lack of ability to lighten up that braught it upon you. to My fellow Pagans, I hope you enjoy this video and get a chuckle out of it. To my Atheast friends.. try not to laugh too terrably hard at this one. I intend it to be funny but.. hey no dieing on me ok,I need my brothers and sisters in Logic and Wisdom. I mean there are pagans who are out there.. but you guys are some of the funnest videos out there.. and allways bestowing new knowlage.

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