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It is not permissible to ask Allah by the virtue of anyone, not even by the virtue of the Prophets or Messengers or Awliyaa or righteous people. No one can compel Allah to do anything. It is not permissible to ask Him in any way except by His Names and Attributes, as Allah says: And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him (Quran, 7:180) And yet we see the Shia saying things like Naad-e-Ali which means call on Ali! We should only call on Allah. Ali will tell these deviant Shia to stop calling him as he has no power, but rather to call Allah for help. In the same manner will Prophet Isa repudiate the Christians for calling on him as opposed to Allah. With regard to saying to the occupant of a grave, O So and so, help me, this is obviously Shirk, because it is a supplication to someone other than Allah. Asking by the virtue of someone is a means to Shirk, and calling upon a created being is Shirk in worship. How can a Muslim seek assistance from any other than Allah Almighty? Despite the fact that every Muslim must repeat the following words from the Quran in his prayer (salat) at least seventeen times a day: You alone do we worship, and Your aid alone we seek. (Quran, 1:5) We see the Shia saying things like Ya Ali and Ya Mehdi when they are distressed and need help. They will say Ya Ali Madad! These people cry out these names in times of distress when they wish for help. In true Islam, however, we should only say Ya Allah! Calling out anyone elses

WARNING: if you are a fundy Christian and you watch this video I strongly caution you that while my video is done as a parody, that you may be deeply offended. If you are I appologyse but it was your own lack of ability to lighten up that braught it upon you. to My fellow Pagans, I hope you enjoy this video and get a chuckle out of it. To my Atheast friends.. try not to laugh too terrably hard at this one. I intend it to be funny but.. hey no dieing on me ok,I need my brothers and sisters in Logic and Wisdom. I mean there are pagans who are out there.. but you guys are some of the funnest videos out there.. and allways bestowing new knowlage.

26 Responses to You alone do we worship, and Your aid alone we seek. (Quran, 1:5)

  • sal64london says:

    Jazaka Allahu khayran

  • ElectricShark says:

    Love ya fellow pagan!!
    Love this vid!!!!!!!!

  • platefullofbacon says:

    Keep in mind bro, not all conservatives are Bible Thumpers, or even Christians of any sect for that matter! I’m a conservative, who challenges the logic of all Christians.

  • john4knecht says:

    As for the ‘insecurity’ that you’re imposing on my pause and stumbling over my words in this video. I was reading from a script, and I’m not good at reading and talking to a camera at the same time, on the acount of getting some faith. I have some. I have faith in Nature, I can prove my god’s exsist, I walk with them every day, all you can really do, is prove that I cannot prove that yours Doesn’t. So enjoy the comfort of your invisable sky daddy, but don’t waste your prayers on me. I’ve no need

  • john4knecht says:

    sence when Jesus died on the cross for your sins, he obsorbed them, and gave the christian people a fresh start on their life, only to be judged by their own actions and not the taint of the old testiment world. So before you go off saying I don’t read or even understand the bible, why don’t you get off your high fucking horse and stop looking down your nose at me. I do understand the bible, I never once said dirrectly or other wize that Gays weren’t christian I do know some that are.

  • john4knecht says:

    by the way red you need to actually pay attention to the video if you’re going to coment on it. Not ONCE do I actually say that Gay’s are not Christian. I was poking fun at the way Christians say that Being gay is an unforgivable sin when the only passage that they have to support it comes from the Old testiment, which no longer applys to you.

  • red10885 says:

    I dont know where your getting your information. You refer to homosexuals as none christians. I know that not to be true. I am a homosexual in a relationship but I am a christian. I dont believe God is going to send anyone to hell for any of their sins large or small when they are redeemed by Jesus Christ. He died for my sins and that what I believe. Get some faith man you seem very insecure im going to pray for you.

  • AddisonNicole7806 says:

    Nahh i believe ppl like that ruin Christianity

  • john4knecht says:

    More then likely no If you don’t make hate filled videos that basicly condem people of other faiths to hell and well long story short.. I don’t think you are one. Basicly Fundies are the ones who live the bible literally. THey typically swarm in packs and use under handed tactics. This was a satyre of a video by a guy named darcytirsia here on youtube. I posted it a long time ago and in the time sence because he got so much crap about it he’s taken his video down.

  • AddisonNicole7806 says:

    i guess im not ‘fundamentalist’ then…

  • john4knecht says:

    This was a Satyre video done in responce to a video (That if I’m recalling correctly.) was called “The 10 things you have to do to be an effective athiest.” Though to be bluntly honost. FUNDAMENTALLIST christians Do Live by a double standard, do pull random falsefied or exadurated ‘facts’ and ‘statistics’ from their ass’s. I will post the link to the video this is in responce to in my “More Info” Area though I thought it allready was there.

  • AddisonNicole7806 says:

    I dont know what ‘Christians’ youve been talking to, but NONE of this is true…..or makes sense…..

  • marq46 says:

    lol I love picking on cristeans thay can never giv a strat anser wen you consult them about the grate flood or eny of the uther atrosetys suposedly dun by god

  • PerianArdocyl says:

    xD Awesome video! Very good points.

  • MetallicAuptuned says:

    There are two kinds of chistians: Good christians and war causing, bible humping, talk about church 24/7 that start preaching if you’re listenning to something more intense than Jazz, LOL.

  • hinata9949 says:

    I’m a Christian but im no bible thumper, and to be honest, im really going to have to agree with u nyuu. =3 These people are making a mistake that no one ever learns, its pointless to force a religion on others. IF these guys are such bible thumpers, they should know the saying “Never throw your pearls before swine” which means if someone doesnt care, dont waste ur time! Btw i love your smiles. They always make me laugh! XD

  • DahKoDaeVonos says:

    i think its cute how the upper right or left part of your lip rises way up as you talk, again i think its cute

  • greenlightpagan says:

    I like your funny voice. Yey Paganism? By the way do you like my username???

  • cagsforme says:

    Good job ! I’m a Pagan living in a rural WV town full of fundis. I can relate to this 100%.

  • night69angel says:

    Oh dear! My heart goes out to you dragonddff..that must be awful. Remember though, they cannot get to your soul and heart. Soar above them like an eagle flying over penned up turkeys!
    Bright Blessings

  • dragonddff says:


    LUCKY BASTARD!!!! I’m A Norse Heathen, and i live right in the fucking middle of the bible belt!!!! Hicktown TN

  • john4knecht says:

    *huggles tightly* Thank you so much I love my knowthings.

    Peace, love, and ramen

  • IKnowThings says:

    not you john! that was @ Woodfloorboss

    you are a sweetheart john.
    peace )O(

  • john4knecht says:

    *Blinks a little* “I fail?” *Pouts* I thought this spoof was funny.

  • IKnowThings says:

    did you know that most people alive have been molested? I am female and my sister and I were molested by our own grandfather.
    a woman wanting to have a loving relationship with another woman is not the same as a child molester.
    you fail, I burn bibles, GTFO.

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