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status and success, people have abandoned the one and only power that really matters in their life, that is, the subconscious mind power.

The subconscious mind power is our innate gift. Yet not everybody is aware of its power or even its existence. Some people have probably heard of such innate power but refuse to believe that it works. There are many who are aware and believed in this innate power, are learning how to master the technique of tapping the power residing in their subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind holds the power to create anything that our mind can possibly conceive. The very challenge that people face in harnessing their subconscious mind power is how to tame their conscious mind. A mind that is untamed wonders in all direction from one moment to another.

A mind with wondering unfocused thoughts has very little power to command the subconscious mind. Just as the laser beam will not have any power when it is scattered.

However, this is exactly the kind of mental state most people are having today, as a result of countless bombardments of information, stress and temptations in our modern world.

Calming the mind and be still is not the natural state of being for most people. It takes efforts and practices to be able to quiet our conscious mind so as to control our subconscious mind. Meditation is one good way to tame the mind, but it is by no means an easy process. Some people spend years to perfect their skill of meditation, and achieve a state of being unsurpassed before.

Today, studies of the science of mind have provided substantial proofs to confirm the viability of such subconscious mind power; more people are

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