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Your Moment Of Power Is Now

Ancient wisdom from many cultures, and cutting-edge scientific experiments performed in modern labs both point to the incredible power of observing the present moment. Tapping into this simple practice can set you free from all obstacles and empower you to manifest everything you desire.

Most people spend their time living in a past that is forever gone and a future that hasn’t even been realized yet. For some reason we seem intent on avoiding the present moment with all manner of daydreams and self-distractions.

However, when we allow our minds to be free from regret and anxiety, and focus clearly on the present moment, we have access to the virtually limitless power of mindfulness. By simply deciding to be aware of our bodies, thought processes, and surroundings without getting lost in our internal chatter, we open the door to an abundance of new possibilities.

Enhanced physical energy, the ability to focus our attention more sharply and think more clearly, and a heightened sense of intuition are only a few of the benefits we gain as we practice daily mindfulness. By mindfulness, I simply mean the activity of paying attention to what we are doing in the present and letting our minds flow freely without participating in the “mental movies” that make up much of our day.

You can begin this sacred yet simple exercise immediately just by taking account of what you are doing right now.

Feel the physical sensation of your body in the chair.

Allow yourself to hear the sounds around you without becoming distracted.

Read the words on this screen and watch your mind flow without interruption.

Give it a try.

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