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To order this film on dvd, visit: Zeitgeist Refuted is a documentary film in response to the bold claims made in Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist the movie concerning the Christian faith. This film examines the similarities and differences of pagan religions according to history and scholarly opinion. Additionally, it explores the historicity of Jesus. Also discussed are the Jesus Myth Theory and Astrotheology. The viewer will also see a critique of the works of Zeitgeist sources cited in the Zeitgeist bibliography such as Acharya S, Gerald Massey and Jordan Maxwell. This documentary exposes the Freemasonry, Theosophy and New Age influence on Zeitgeist and the Zeitgeist Movement.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Origins of Christmas Pt.2-of-4
Video Rating: 5 / 5

8 Responses to ZEITGEIST REFUTED FINAL CUT 11 of 12

  • azdwnldazdwnld says:

    1. HOW can anyone base his beliefs on a product (scripture) of a time during which people had very low reasoning and understanding ability of the things around them (read earth is flat land floating in water and hanging stars from an inverted bowl of sky)? Haven’t we come a long way from 1st century by figuring out the relation of various things and their interactions in nature and space? If we chose to not star-gaze, we would still be believing earth is flat among many other things.

  • azdwnldazdwnld says:

    2.When people were lacking rational explanation to understand the things they see, doesn’t it make sense that, they believed in fabricated explanations (stories about Gods) manifested through their imagination merely based on their experiences/observations? Obviously, such stories would answer their questions about life and everything thus related but none of them were unpredictable revelations even to the people of their own time. They consisted of easy ways out for all the questions. MIRACLES.

  • azdwnldazdwnld says:

    3. Such stories (about miracles of Gods) merely serve to satisfy people’s thirst for answers to many questions (some of which we yet have to know) until someone who looks at things in a different perspective (Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, etc) using contemporary technology and unbiased interpretation of observations, with more profound reasoning, for the rest of the world to see and understand. Let’s gain knowledge through EXPERIMENTATION and OBSERVATION but not through irrelevant SCRIPTURES.

  • aesthetictripp says:

    Daniel 11:38
    38But in his (antichrist) estate shall he honour the God of forces:

  • thegreatsatan says:

    What’s more stupid, people believing there are spirits in a tree, or people thinking that 2,000 yrs ago, some immortal hippy was born that could walk on water and perform miracles? Or that in 2009, “educated” people still believe in a book that was written by people who thought the Earth was flat? Hehehe

  • Domzdream says:

    HAh aha. People are so stupid.!

  • ThisIsMySockAccount says:

    LOL @ “there were spirits who reside IN the tree” … so hey! lets chop it down and kill it! ROFL
    Sorry, that just struck me as hilarious. Thanks for posting this.

  • anonsummer says:

    check out this idea about christmass


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