Now, there is alot to say about this video. One, it is meant to offend the CRAP out of you. The story behind this was I was having a fight with someone, about religion. They told me it was stupid to worship more than one God. I told them it was stupid to worship a zombie. Thus the song was born. Now, Yeelka wrote it for me, but I myself sang. If I see this floating around on other accounts, mine will be removed and I will ask other copies be removed. Please respect my wishes, as this is a big project for me. I rarely sing, as I am not good at it. I am very proud of this. This is my best effort. Flamers will be ignored (especially religious folks. I respect your right to choose, but I have a voice to speak with), praise will be loved, and critique will be taken to heart. The video is meant to look slapped together. I didn’t spend too much time on it, but my second video will be much better. Happy Zombie Jesus day! PS, I am not making money on this so don’t sue Square Soft, people who make Hello Kitty and Mattel. Please. I have like, a dollar and a bit in pennies.
Why thank you.
I’m thinking I might hire the pair that worked with me to do another projects.
That was really pleasant.
Thank you. <3
Hey, guess who. Like I told you on msn, you have a very nice voice, almost professional. I actually truly thought it was until I saw your name. Sound’s like you had fun too! Like I said, it gets 10/10 just for squall alone!
Yay! my hand is the best part..